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The 10 Dog Breeds with the Strongest Bites

 Posted on April 25, 2017 in Personal Injury

dog-breeds-with-the-strongest-bites-DuPage-County.jpgA dog bite is a serious injury that can lead to severe wounds, exposure to disease, and the need for rehabilitation and reconstructive surgery. A dog bite can also lead to mental anguish that can require psychological treatment.

While any dog breed can attack, some breeds are known to be more aggressive. Also, certain dogs have been bred to be more powerful and to have a stronger bite.

The following list notes 10 dog breeds with the strongest bites and the breed’s bite force in pounds per square inch. These figures were generated by using digital bite meters.

  1. Kangal with a bite force of 743 pounds;
  2. Mastiff – 556 pounds;
  3. Wolfdog – 406 pounds;
  4. Rottweiler – 317 pounds;
  5. African wild dog – 317 pounds;
  6. American bulldog – 305 pounds;
  7. German shepherd – 238 pounds;
  8. American pit bull terrier – 235 pounds;
  9. Dutch shepherd – 224 pounds; and
  10. Malinois – 195 pounds.

As you can see, these dogs are powerful and can inflict serious damage. This holds especially true when considering that many children are the victims of dog bites. Children are no match for an aggressive dog with a force bite that is four or more times a child’s body weight.

Dog Bites Are “Strict Liability” Cases in Illinois

In personal injury cases, most accident victims must prove that they received injuries due to another person’s negligence or unreasonableness. In dog bite cases, a bite victim does not have to prove that the dog or its owner was acting unreasonably. This typically means that a dog bite case can be easier to prove than a regular accident case.

A dog bite victim must prove that:

  • The victim was lawfully in the place where the bite occurred;
  • The dog was not provoked; and
  • The victim was conducting himself or herself peaceably.

It is not a defense that the dog never bit before or that the owner had taken measures to keep the dog contained. Those issues would go to reasonableness, which does not matter in a strict liability lawsuit.

Contact a Lombard, IL Dog Bite Lawyer

If you have been bitten by a dog that was not provoked, you should not have to pay for your injuries by law. Many people are concerned that dog bite injury recovery means they will be suing a friend or neighbor. With the help of an attorney, your case will be handled professionally between a lawyer and an insurance company. Contact the DuPage County dog bite attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices at 630-932-9100 to set up an initial meeting with our qualified attorneys.

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