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DuPage County ICE Hold Lawyers

Aggressive Representation for Immigrants Detained by ICE in Illinois

When non-U.S. citizens are arrested and placed in state or federal custody, they may sometimes be brought to the attention of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In such cases, ICE may request an "immigration hold" to keep the individual in the custody of law enforcement for an additional 48 hours (not including Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays). This can occur even if a person has posted an immigration bond or been found not guilty of a pending criminal charge. If you or a family member has been the subject of an ICE Hold, it is important to speak with a skilled immigration attorney as soon as possible, so you understand your rights and options.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we have extensive experience with all matters related to immigration, as well as criminal defense, in Chicagoland and throughout Northern Illinois. Our award-winning lawyers frequently assist clients with ICE holds, ICE detention/detainers, deportation/removal, and all other types of criminal issues that may affect immigration. We handle cases regularly before ICE and USCIS, and we have a strong track record of success dealing with these agencies.

We also have attorneys on our team who are former prosecutors and former public defenders, and we know the inner workings of the state and federal judicial system. Our unique blend of immigration and criminal experience gives us in-depth knowledge of how these two areas of the law intertwine, and we understand the practical consequences for immigrants who have run-ins with law enforcement. We put this experience to work in order to give our immigrant clients a strong voice and the skilled representation they deserve.

Reasons for an ICE Hold in Illinois

Typically, ICE requests an immigration hold for one of three reasons:

  • Unlawful Presence: If you are suspected of having entered the country illegally or overstaying a temporary visa, an investigation may be conducted to determine your legal status. If you are found to be lawfully present in the U.S., you will be released. However, if it is found that you are in the country illegally, you may be transferred to federal custody, and removal proceedings may be initiated.
  • Commission of a Crime: If you are a legal immigrant but have been accused of committing a crime that ICE believes makes you deportable, you may be transferred to federal custody to begin deportation proceedings.
  • Prior/Pending Removal Order: If you already have a prior or existing removal order against you, you may be transferred to federal custody. Often, immigrants with existing orders are deported without the opportunity for a removal hearing. In these cases, the intervention of a skilled attorney is needed as soon as possible so a motion to reopen your case can be requested.

Contact Our Bloomingdale Deportation Defense Attorneys

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we understand how terrifying it can be to be held by ICE facing the possibility of deportation/removal. Your future in the U.S. and your ability to remain with your family could be in jeopardy. When you contact our attorneys, we will go to work immediately to examine your case fully, taking into account the implications of both criminal and immigration issues. We will explore every legal avenue to secure a positive outcome for you. For a free consultation with one of our experienced Illinois ICE hold immigration lawyers, contact our office today at 630-932-9100.

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