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Downers Grove Divorce Attorneys

Divorce Lawyers for Child Custody and Property Division in Downers Grove, IL

The end of your marriage can be stressful for you, your spouse, your children, and other family members. As you address issues related to the division of property, child custody, and other aspects of your divorce, you may reach disagreements with your spouse. A skilled divorce attorney can inform you of your rights, advocate for your interests, and work with you to achieve a positive outcome to your case.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we will work to protect your best interests during divorce proceedings. With over 100 5-star reviews, we have built up a reputation for compassionate, informed advocacy both inside and outside the courtroom.

Legal Issues to Address During Your Divorce

Every divorce case is unique. Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices will fight to make sure you will achieve a fair outcome to your case. Issues that may arise during the divorce process include:

  • Allocating Marital Property: Different factors may affect the division of property between you and your spouse. Different assets you own may be determined to be either marital or non-marital property. Assets you owned prior to the marriage are typically considered non-marital (belonging to the original owner), while items acquired during the marriage, such as a house or car, would be considered marital property. Under Illinois law, all marital property should be divided fairly and equitably, but the division does not necessarily have to be equal.
  • Debts: The court will also discern between marital and non-martial debt to determine what debts you share with your spouse and what debts you will be required to pay off on your own. Shared debts may be divided along with marital assets.
  • Custody of Children: During your divorce, you will need to create a parenting plan that details how you and your spouse will share child custody. This plan will address decision-making responsibility (also known as legal custody), and you and your spouse may work together to make decisions about schooling, healthcare, religion, and other aspects of your children's lives. In most cases, both parents have the legal right to reasonable time with their children, although exceptions may be made if there are concerns about a child's safety and well-being. Your parenting plan will detail how parenting time (also known as physical custody or visitation) will be divided between you and your spouse.
  • Alimony: Spousal maintenance, also known as spousal support, refers to payments made from one party to the other during or after a divorce. This form of support may be appropriate if one spouse earns more income than the other. The amount of payments will be calculated based on the income earned by each party. Temporary payments may be paid while the divorce process is ongoing. After the divorce is finalized, spousal support will typically last for a certain number of years, with the duration based on the length of the marriage.
  • Marital Agreements: If you have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, it may include terms that will be followed during your divorce, such as decisions about the division of property and spousal support. Our skilled divorce attorneys can provide professional insight on how your agreement will affect your case, including whether the agreement is valid and enforceable. Note that a prenuptial agreement cannot include decisions about child custody and visitation.

Achieving Success for Our Clients

The attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices have successfully represented many clients in divorce and family law cases. We have helped clients secure spousal support, worked to protect victims of domestic violence, and helped implement fair parenting time arrangements. Our firm can provide guidance on the potential issues that may arise during your case, working to help you complete your divorce efficiently while protecting your rights. We have over four decades of experience as an established law firm, and we bring a wealth of knowledge to every divorce case.

Contact Our Downers Grove, Illinois Divorce Attorneys

Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices is ready to assist you from the beginning to the end of your divorce. We will keep you informed of your options during your case, and we will advocate on your behalf, making sure that you have a voice during negotiations and in the courtroom. You can rest assured that our attorneys will approach your case with the diligence, attention, and care it deserves.

Our firm is receptive to your needs. We are here to help you address your legal concerns effectively. Contact us at 630-932-9100 for a free initial consultation.

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