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Lombard Computer Crimes Attorney

Defending Clients Facing Internet Crimes in DuPage County and Surrounding Cities

If you are being investigated or if you have been arrested for a computer or internet crime, you should seek representation from an experienced criminal defense attorney who will provide you with aggressive representation against very serious charges.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, our team of lawyers will provide you with an experienced, aggressive defense. Our criminal defense team includes attorneys like Brad Giglio, a criminal defense lawyer who is also a former prosecutor with a background in forensic examination and training at the Regional Computer Forensic Lab in Chicago.

Call 630-932-9100 for a free, confidential consultation to speak with an Illinois criminal defense lawyer about your computer crime or internet crime charges.

Experienced Computer Crime Defense Lawyers

Our criminal defense team gives you unparalleled experience. We provide you with a team of lawyers who have the background and training to provide you with an excellent defense against serious computer crime or internet crime charges. We have:

  • FBI training;
  • National Center for Missing and Exploited Children training; and
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement training.

We have represented clients in numerous trials, and we have a reputation for providing clients with an aggressive, high-quality defense. We believe our extensive experience, our reputation as hard-nosed trial attorneys, and our track record of success will lead to better plea offers from prosecutors.

Types of Computer Crimes and Internet Crimes We Defend

We defend against a wide range of computer crimes and internet crimes, including representation during criminal investigations. We can provide you with an aggressive defense against all computer crimes, including:

  • Identity theft;
  • Sex crimes;
  • Child pornography;
  • Online solicitation of a minor;
  • White collar crimes;
  • Embezzlement;
  • Computer fraud;
  • Hacking or illegal access of protected systems or networks;
  • Bank fraud;
  • Money laundering;
  • Forgery;
  • Credit card fraud; and
  • Other types of fraud using the Internet or a computer.

Contact an Experienced Computer Crimes Defense Attorney

For additional information about computer crimes or internet crimes or to discuss your particular situation, please schedule a free, confidential consultation by calling 630-932-9100. If you prefer, you can fill out our online contact form, and we will contact you promptly. Your future is too important to trust to less experienced attorneys.

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