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Lombard Mental Health and Addictions Issues in Divorce Attorney

Divorce Attorneys Assisting Clients Facing Mental Health or Addicton Related Divorce Issues in DuPage County

Marriage can be difficult even under the best of circumstances. However, when one spouse has a personality disorder or a drug or alcohol addiction, the situation can become nearly unbearable, and divorce may be the only viable option. Addictions and mental health problems are a unique dynamic that makes it harder to negotiate a reasonable and amicable settlement. If you are facing a divorce involving mental health issues and addictions, it is important to be represented by a family law attorney with particular experience in this area.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we understand the sensitive nature of divorces involving addictions and mental health issues. For over 40 years, we have represented clients in the Chicagoland area and throughout Illinois in even the most difficult divorces. Our award-winning attorneys have been highly recognized for our experience, skill, and client-centered approach. Our lawyers are honest, compassionate, responsive, and down to earth. We know this is a difficult time for you, and we work hard to make the legal process as smooth and seamless as possible. We offer free initial consultations, extended evening and weekend hours, 3 convenient locations, and we provide regular updates on the progress of your case.

Mental Health Issues and Divorce

If one party in a marriage is mentally incapacitated or has a severe alcohol or drug addiction that largely controls his or her behavior, it is often accompanied by domestic violence or abuse. Unfortunately, individuals with personality disorders or addictions often live in their own reality wherein they are the victims, and they often believe that their behavior is somehow justified. Reasoning with such individuals is futile, and typically the only way to get their attention is to take strong action.

Informing a person with a mental illness you want a divorce is a delicate matter in and of itself. It can be difficult to predict how they will respond, and it may be necessary to move out of your home first for your own safety. Orders of protection and other court actions may also be needed to ensure you are fully protected.

During the divorce proceeding, the court may order an exam by a psychologist or psychiatrist to assess the mental health of your spouse and determine how to handle matters related to the allocation of parental responsibility and parenting time. In many cases, limited or restricted parenting time may be appropriate, along with provisions that prohibit consumption of alcohol or drugs within 24 hours of a parent's visit with their children. The court may also order counseling, treatment, or other forms of therapy to help your spouse address his or her issues.

Contact Our Naperville Complex Divorce Lawyers

Divorces involving mental health issues and addictions can be highly stressful for everyone involved. These issues must be handled firmly, but also with compassion and sensitivity. Remember, the goal is for you and your spouse to part ways amicably and work out an arrangement that is in the best interests of your children. The attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices are skilled litigators and negotiators, and we have extensive experience dealing with these matters. If you are considering a divorce involving mental health or other complex issues, contact our offices today at 630-932-9100 for a free consultation.

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