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Illinois Arm and Shoulder Injury Attorney

Illinois Workers' Compensation Lawyers in Lombard, St. Charles, and Bloomingdale

There are many different tasks in the workplace that can lead to neck, arm, or shoulder injuries. Work can be physically taxing on these parts of the body, and injuries may occur when performing tasks such as pushing or pulling heavy equipment or parcels, lifting, or doing overhead work. You could be subject to trauma injuries or strained muscles. In some cases, injuries such as torn biceps, rotator cuff tears, or rotator cuff impingement syndrome may occur. These injuries can be painful, they may require expensive medical care, and you could even be forced to change jobs.

However, Illinois workers' compensation was designed to assist you should you suffer an arm, neck, or shoulder injury on the job. With the workers' compensation benefits, you can be compensated for expensive medical treatments like surgery or steroid injections, permanent work restrictions, disabilities, lost wages, and rehabilitation. However, without a workers' compensation attorney assisting you, it may be difficult to receive the money you need.

The workers' compensation lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can provide legal advice and practical assistance regarding your claim, and it is important to call us as soon as possible after you are injured or discover that you have experienced physical issues related to the work you have performed. We represent shoulder, neck, and arm injury victims throughout the Chicago metro area from our offices located in Lombard, Bloomingdale, and Naperville, Illinois.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we will not charge you for an initial consultation. The sooner you contact one of our workers' compensation attorneys, the sooner we can help you receive the workers' compensation benefits you deserve.

How to File a Claim for an Illinois Workers' Compensation in Arm, Neck, or Shoulder Injuries

After you are injured in a workplace accident or discover that you have experienced injuries that were related to the work you have performed, Illinois state law requires you to give notice to your employer within 45 days. You should notify your employer in writing, and it is a good idea to send the letter by certified mail so that you have a record of the date on which the notice was sent.

You should receive medical treatment for a work injury as soon as possible. If you inform your doctor that your injury is work-related, they will bill your employer for the services you recieve. If you cannot work while you are recovering from your injury, your employer is required to begin paying disability benefits after your fourth day away from work. If your employer or their insurer refuses to pay workers' compensation benefits, you can file a claim with the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission. If necessary, you can request an emergency hearing so that you will be able to receive the proper benefits as soon as possible.

There are many instances where an employer will try to deny a workers' compensation claim. They may claim that the injury was a pre-existing condition, that it did not happen while working, or that the employee never mentioned the injury. Our attorneys can help you demonstrate that an injury occurred while you were working or was otherwise work-related, ensuring that you will be able to receive the benefits you deserve. Even if you did have a pre-existing injury in your neck, shoulder, and/or arm, it is possible that you can still attain workers' compensation if the work you performed or an injury in the workplace aggravated the condition.

Contact Our DuPage County Work-Related Arm and Shoulder Injury Lawyers

If you need to make sure you receive the proper workers' comp benefits for an arm or shoulder injury, Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can help you file a claim, and we will fight to protect your rights and your financial interests. Contact us today by calling 630-932-9100. We offer evening and weekend hours, and we will come to your home or hospital room if you are unable to travel due to your injuries.

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