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DuPage County Speeding Defense Attorneys

Speeding Ticket Defense Lawyers in St. Charles, Bloomingdale, and Naperville

In Illinois, each time you are convicted of a moving violation, points are added to your driving record. The accumulation of points can lead to serious consequences, such as heavy fines, higher insurance rates, loss of driving privileges, mandatory driver improvement courses, and community service. Though speeding may seem like a minor offense, each speeding conviction brings you closer to driver's license suspension and other adverse consequences. If you have recently been cited for speeding or any other moving violation, it is in your best interest to speak with an experienced traffic violation attorney, so you understand your options.

For over 40 years, Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices has provided skilled representation to clients throughout Northern Illinois for all types of criminal charges, from minor speeding tickets to major felonies. Our award-winning lawyers are former public defenders and former prosecutors with extensive experience successfully litigating cases at all levels of the Illinois state and federal judicial system. We have an in-depth understanding of how the court system works and what it takes to secure positive outcomes for our clients.

We have been recognized by our peers not only for our experience and skill, but also for our aggressive advocacy on behalf of each client we serve. Our attorneys are honest, straightforward, accessible, and approachable. Our clients appreciate our down-to-earth approach and tireless commitment to fighting for their rights. We offer free consultations and extended evening and weekend hours for your convenience, and we respond quickly to all client questions and concerns. When you receive a speeding ticket or any other type of traffic violation, we will thoroughly examine the circumstances of the citation as well as your previous record to determine the best defense strategy to minimize the negative affects the ticket will have on your future.

Point System for Speeding in Illinois

Depending on the specific offense, a certain number of points are added to your driving record for each speeding conviction. They are as follows:

  • Speeding in a School Zone or Construction Zone: 20 Points
  • Aggravated Speeding in a School Zone or Construction Zone: 55 points
  • Driving Up to 10 MPH Over the Speed Limit: 5 Points
  • Driving Up to 11-14 MPH Over the Speed Limit: 15 Points
  • Driving Up to 15-25 MPH Over the Speed Limit: 20 Points
  • Driving 25 MPH (or Higher) Over the Speed Limit: 50 Points
  • Speeding Too Fast for Conditions: 10 points

Three or more speeding offenses or other traffic violations that are committed within a 12-month period will result in the suspension or revocation of your driver's license. The length of the suspension or revocation will depend on the total number of points accumulated on your record.

Harsher Penalties for Aggravated Speeding

The point system is used to determine if your driver’s license will be suspended or revoked, and for how long. However, there are other penalties you can incur for more serious speeding violations. Under Illinois law, if you are driving between 26 MPH and 35 MPH above the speed limit, it is a Class B Misdemeanor, punishable by fines up to $1,500 and up to six months in county jail. Driving 35 MPH (or more) over the speed limit is a Class A Misdemeanor, punishable by fines up to $2,500 and up to one year in county jail.

Contact Our Lombard Speeding Ticket Defense Lawyers

Speeding convictions can be far more serious than most drivers realize. To minimize the negative consequences, it is always best to sit down with a skilled attorney to thoroughly assess your specific circumstances and review your options. At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we understand that even a seemingly minor speeding citation can have a major negative impact on your future. We put our experience to work to help our clients reduce or avoid future legal consequences. For a free consultation with one of our experienced Illinois speeding defense attorneys, contact our office today at 630-932-9100.

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