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Workers' Comp Attorneys For Injured Illinois Employees

Employees who are injured in the workplace or who suffer from medical conditions or illnesses related to the work they have performed will usually qualify for workers' compensation benefits. However, workers' comp claims are often denied by employers and their insurers, and employees may need to take legal action to ensure that they can receive the proper benefits. At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we provide representation for multiple types of workers in these cases, including:

  1. Office and Management Employees can claim benefits for injuries ranging from broken bones and carpal tunnel syndrome to heart attacks and psychological injuries from job stresses.
  2. Construction Workers, Heavy-Equipment Operators, and Tradesmen can be seriously injured from many of their daily on the job activities. Even if the injury was caused by another party, like another contractor, you can file a third-party claim and receive benefits.
  3. Factory Workers put a great deal of stress on their bodies at work, and they have many opportunities for injuries due to accidents or repetitive actions. Workers' compensation provides medical care, rehabilitation, lost wages, and disability benefits.
  4. Nurses and Health Care Employees work long hours where they are exposed to many people and many opportunities for injury. Workers' Compensation provides benefits whether the employee was assaulted by a patient, exposed to a virus or bloodborne pathogen, developed an allergy to latex, or was otherwise injured on the job.
  5. Airline Employees are injured so often that before they have decided what to do about an injury, the airline will usually demand that they see an airline doctor and then urge the doctor to return the employee to work before they are physically ready. You may choose your own doctor, and you are entitled to workers' compensation benefits, but you should consult an experienced attorney like those at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices to deal with your employer and their workers' compensation insurance attorneys.
  6. Truck Drivers, Package and Delivery Drivers, and Dock Workers can get benefits for injuries that occur in motor vehicle accidents, health issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome from repetitive actions, and injuries from slips and falls or twisting and lifting while handling parcels.
  7. Public Transportation can present many opportunities for injuries from daily activities, including motor vehicle accidents, slips and falls, or exposure to disorderly passengers.

Any job can potentially injure its employees, and workers' compensation will provide benefits for psychological injuries from stress, physical injuries due to actions of the employer or a third party, repetitive actions, or even a mistake by the injured employee.

Contact Our Naperville Workers' Comp Lawyers

With the help of an experienced workers' compensation attorney at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, thousands of injured employees have received the benefits they deserve. Call 630-932-9100 or contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation. We have evening and weekend hours available and 3 convenient offices to serve you, including Lombard, Bloomingdale, and Naperville.

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