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DuPage County Immigration and Removal Attorney

Immigration Attorneys for Client Representation at their Individual Calendar Hearings in Illinois

During the deportation/removal process, non-U.S. citizens are able to present their case at their Individual Hearing. Also known as the Merits Hearing, the Individual Calendar Hearing is essentially a trial on the merits of the case the government has against you. This hearing is usually scheduled at your Master Calendar Hearing, and it is your primary opportunity to contest the allegations against you. Preparation for your hearing is essential, and it is best to be represented by an immigration attorney with particular experience in criminal defense.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we have in-depth experience with Individual Hearings and other matters related to immigration in Chicagoland and throughout Northern Illinois. Our award-winning lawyers frequently represent clients in matters involving USCIS and ICE, including ICE detention/detainers, ICE Holds, immigration bonds, removal hearings, and all other types of criminal issues that may affect immigration. We have former prosecutors and former public defenders on our team who have extensive knowledge of the inner workings of the state and federal judicial system. We understand how immigration and criminal law intertwine, and we put our knowledge and experience to work to give our clients the skilled representation they deserve.

Preparing for Your Individual Hearing

At the Master Calendar Hearing, you (and your attorney, if one was present) will have told the Immigration Judge how you plan to contest the charges against you and what sort of relief you will be seeking. Possible forms of immigration relief may include:

  • Asylum or Refugee status;
  • Adjustment of status under the LIFE Act;
  • Cancelation of removal under the Violence against Women Act (VAWA);
  • Special rule cancelation of removal under NACARA;
  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA);
  • Cancelation of removal as a lawful Green Card holder;
  • Prosecutorial discretion; or
  • Many others.

Before your Individual Hearing, you must prepare a strong defense based on the form of relief you will be seeking. For example, if you are claiming asylum, you will likely need to show proof that you have a legitimate reason to fear persecution in your home country. You are allowed to call witnesses and present exhibits, such as photos, sworn statements, etc. In addition, you may testify on your own behalf with your attorney asking questions. You are also likely to be cross-examined by the lawyer for the government, so you will need to be prepared for that as well. When the hearing is concluded, the immigration judge may decide to render a decision immediately, or you may be notified of the decision at a later date.

Contact Our Naperville Merits Hearing Lawyers

The Individual Hearing is the most important deportation hearing you will have. This is your opportunity to present your arguments in detail and have your side of the story heard. At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we work closely with our clients to develop the strongest possible case, and we will ensure that you are fully prepared for your hearing. For a free consultation with one of our experienced Illinois immigration lawyers, contact our office today at 630-932-9100.

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