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Workers' Compensation Success Stories


Salesman of fire protection equipment suffered a herniated disc while moving merchandise from his car, and the injury required surgery. We wettled for $ 59,887.12.


Mosquito control worker on the job for less than a week injured their back while lifting a motor. The client decided against surgery. We settled for $31,000.00.


Nurse at a mental health facility aggravated their back condition while restraining a patient. The client received an award of $25,020.50 after a hearing.


Book binder developed bi-lateral Carpel Tunnel Syndrome from repetitive use of their wrists on an assembly line. Surgery was required on both wrists. We settled for $20,000.00.


School bus driver developed bi-lateral Carpel Tunnel Syndrome from repetitive use of their arms while driving a school bus. No surgery was required, and our client returned to their job. We settled for $9,707.19.


Construction worker crushed the tips of their fingers in two separate incidents. One injury occured on the dominant hand and one on the other hand. We obtained a combined settlement of $10,000.00.


Over the road truck driver injured their back while making a delivery. He had fusion surgery and left rotator cuff surgery. He had permanent restrictions and was not able to return to truck driving. We settled for $225,000.00.


Currency exchange teller had a repetitive motion injury counting money on job. She was diagnosed with Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. Case settled for $29,458.80.


Assembly line worker's finger was crushed in an assembly line machine open fracture. The person returned to their normal job after middle finger surgery. We settled for $7,480.09.


Restaurant worker slipped on the floor and fractured their wrist. They experienced a right distal radius ulnar fracture. We settled for $25,043.75.


Factory worker injured their back during heavy lifting. He had a herniated disk surgery. We settled for $68,619.14.


Butcher injured his right arm from repetitive use on the job. He experienced trigger thumb and required ulnar nerve release surgery and shoulder arthroscopy. He was not allowed to return to his job and had permanent restrictions. We settled for $138,704.70.


Field line technician stepped in a hole on the job and his fractured leg. He had an open reduction and internal fixation of a tibial fracture with permanent restrictions, and he was required to retire from his job. We settled for $105,000.00.


Driver's training instructor injured in a rear end collision while student driving. He sustained whiplash injury and aggravated a pre-existing vertigo and Meniers Disease. He would not be able to return to driving again because of dizziness issues. Case settled for $195,000.00.


Construction worker injured their back on the job. They experienced permanent restrictions due to a spinal fusion at L4-L5 and L5-S1. We settled for $140,000.00.


Employee attended seminar for her job out of state. She slipped and fell on steps at the hotel. She injured both her feet and returned to work. We settled for $13,299.00.


Carpenter engaged in repetitive activity with regard to his arms on job injured. His arm required surgery. He could not return to his former occupation because of permanent restrictions. He went through vocational rehabilitation and was assisted with finding a new job within his restrictions. His pay was $10.00 an hour, which was substantially less than he was earning before. He received a wage loss differential settlement of $375,000.00.


Cashier at Jewel Foods was diagnosed with bi-lateral Carpel Tunnel Syndrome from repetitive use of their hands on the job. They had surgery and returned to the job. We settled for $49,604.82.

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