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Lombard Truck Driver Fatigue Accident Attorney

Attorneys for Truck Driver Error and Fatigue Accidents Serving DuPage County and Surrounding Cities

Truck driver fatigue endangers Illinois drivers. Semi-trucks are involved in fatal, multiple-vehicle auto accidents at twice the rate of passenger vehicles. The drivers of big trucks deal with many limitations and considerations that do not affect people driving passenger vehicles. Large 18-wheelers cannot stop quickly, they have maneuverability issues, and they have several blind spots. All of these issues affect a truck driver, as well as other drivers on the roadways. While semi-truck accidents may be caused by a number of issues, one factor which tops the list is truck drivers who drive while they are drowsy or fatigued. Nearly half of all truck drivers have admitted to falling asleep while behind the wheel at least once in the past year — an alarming fact for others who share the roadways with truckers.

The experienced DuPage County truck accident lawyers from Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices are skilled at proving that a truck accident wa caused by negligence on the part of the trucker and the trucking company that employed them. We are adept and knowledgeable attorneys who have experience with a wide range of personal injury matters. We offer evening and weekend appointments and 3 convenient locations, and as you pursue compensation for your injuries and damages we will provide regular updates on your case and ensure that you are fully informed of your options at all times.

How Fatigue Can Lead to Truck Accidents

Truck drivers are paid by the mile, and this means that the more miles they can drive on any given day, the better their paycheck looks on payday. The trucking companies that employ truck drivers have little interest in limitin a driver's hours, since the faster the loads are delivered, the more money the company makes. These two facts result in a perfect storm in which fatigued truck drivers are encouraged to get behind the wheel of their big trucks every single day, regardless of whether they are in a state where they can drive safely. Despite relatively new regulations imposed in an attempt to stop exhausted, drowsy truck drivers from being on the road, far too many drivers continue to get behind the wheel when they are fatigued.

Currently, commercial truck drivers may only drive for a maximum of 11 hours, after which they must take 10 hours off-duty (presumably sleeping for a good portion of that time). Regulations state that truck drivers may only spend a total of 60 hours within a seven-day period or 70 hours within an eight-day period behind the wheel of their truck. Anyone who has ever driven for eleven hours in a single stretch realizes just how taxing driving for this length of time can be, both physically and emotionally. Studies have shown that the risk of a truck driver being involved in an accident more than doubles after driving longer than eight to ten hours.

Despite the mandate that truckers may only drive 11 hours per day, slim paychecks and tight deadlines result in many drivers pushing themselves beyond those limits. Even more disturbing, some truck drivers use drugs such as methamphetamines or "speed" to stay awake while driving over long periods of time. While these drugs may indeed keep drivers awake, they can also affect the driver's ability to fully focus on the road and the traffic around them. A driver's reaction times may also be affected by these substances, and they will be much more likely to lose control and become involved in a dangerous accident.

Following a commercial truck crash, it is important to gather and preserve evidence showing that a truck driver's negligence was responsible for the collision. Our trucking accident attorneys will review log books and other records to determine whether a driver exceeded their allowed hours of service or engaged in other behaviors that made them more likely to be drowsy or fatigued. We can also obtain other relevant evidence, such as drug test results or medical records. We will fight to make sure a trucking company will be held liable for practices that encouraged drivers to act unsafely by driving while they were not physically capable of operating a commercial vehicle.

Contact Our Naperville Trucking Accident Attorneys

The attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices help those injured by negligent, distracted, or fatigued truck drivers receive the compensation they are entitled to. We work aggressively to ensure that you will be properly compensated for your injuries, lost wages, future lost earnings, and pain and suffering. We are skilled negotiators, yet we never hesitate to step into a courtroom, using every resource at our disposal on your behalf. With over 40 years experience, our goal, first and foremost, is to protect your rights and your future. If you want a solid advocate in your corner following a trucking accident, contact our attorneys at 630-932-9100. We take your schedule into consideration, and we will arrange your free consultation at a convenient time and place for you.

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