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DuPage County Deportation Hearing Attorneys

Skilled Representation for Immigrants Facing Deportation Hearings in Illinois

When a non-U.S. Citizen is found inadmissible or commits a deportable offense, they may be placed in deportation/removal proceedings. These proceedings are often initiated after an individual has a run-in with local law enforcement, is caught up in an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid, or is arrested by ICE at home. During ICE detention, the government decides whether or not to initiate the deportation process, which typically involves hearings to determine if the individual should be removed. If you or a family member is facing a deportation hearing, it is important to speak with an experienced immigration attorney as soon as possible.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we have extensive experience with deportation hearings and all other types of immigration issues in Chicagoland and throughout Northern Illinois. Our award-winning attorneys regularly represent clients who need to address issues related to ICE and USCIS, and we have a strong track record of success dealing with these agencies. We are also skilled across a wide range of other practice areas, including criminal, family law, and many others. Our criminal practice includes former prosecutors and former public defenders who have an in-depth knowledge of the inner workings of the state and federal judicial system. Our unique blend of experience in criminal issues related to immigration ensures that we can provide our clients with a strong voice and the skilled representation they deserve.

Notice to Appear for Deportation Hearings

Deportation/removal proceedings are initiated with a Notice to Appear (NTA) before an immigration judge. The NTA includes your name, the country you were born in, and the following additional information:

  • The reason you are being ordered to appear;
  • The alleged grounds for deportation;
  • Your right to hire an attorney (at your own expense); and
  • What will happen if you fail to appear.

The initial deportation hearing is known as the Master Calendar Hearing. It is very important to attend this hearing, even if you do not have a defense for removal or if you are unsure of your options. If you fail to attend, an automatic removal order will be issued against you, and you will not be able to return to the U.S. on any type of visa for at least 10 years. Though you are not required to bring an attorney to the Master Calendar Hearing, it is in your best interests to have one present.

At your hearing, you (and your attorney if you have one) will present your deportation defense to the judge and schedule your Individual Hearing. If you have no defense, it may be possible to negotiate a voluntary removal (VR), in which you will agree to depart the U.S. on your own, allowing you to keep your record free of a removal order. The Individual Hearing is your opportunity to present your legal basis for remaining in the United States and make in-depth arguments for why you should receive relief from deportation. At this hearing, you are able to present evidence, call witnesses, testify on your own behalf, and answer questions from the government's attorney. Possible deportation defenses may include demonstrating that the charges are against you are not as serious as alleged, showing close family ties to a U.S. citizen, claiming asylum or claiming that you qualify for cancellation by being in a specialized category such as DACA, NACARA, LIFE Act, or VAWA.

Contact Our Bloomingdale Deportation Hearing Lawyers

Deportation hearings can be scary and intimidating for immigrants. With so much uncertainty and your legal status in doubt, it is essential to have an attorney in your corner who has extensive knowledge of immigration, criminal defense, and how the two areas of law intertwine. At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we put our experience to work to thoroughly review your case and explore every legal avenue to preserving your status in the U.S. For a free consultation with one of our skilled Illinois immigration lawyers, contact us today at 630-932-9100.

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