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DuPage County Estate Planning Lawyer

Naperville Lawyer for Probate and Estate Administration

It is important for everyone to plan for the future. When this process involves decisions related to the assets a person owns, their wishes for how their property should be transferred to their loved ones, and their ability to provide for their own needs, it can be crucial to use the right estate planning tools. By taking steps to create a comprehensive estate plan, a person can ensure that their loved ones will be taken care of and that their property will be distributed according to their wishes.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, an estate planning attorney can help you to understand the options available to you as you plan for the future. We will make sure all legal documents are created and executed properly. We can also help you to update your estate plan as your situation changes. If you do not have an estate plan, now is the time to get one. We encourage you to reach out to us today to get started.

Estate Planning Tools

As you work to make decisions about matters related to your estate, our lawyers can help you set down your wishes and ensure that they will be followed correctly both before and after your death. We can assist with:

  • Wills - Your last will and testament is one of the most important estate planning tools available to you, as it lays out exactly how you want your property to be distributed upon your death. We can provide guidance on how to make sure your will fully details your wishes regarding the disposition of your assets, guardianship of minor children, and other issues.
  • Trusts - These agreements can be used to protect assets from creditors or estate taxes or to ensure that your property is managed by a trusted individual and distributed to your beneficiaries in accordance with your wishes. Different types of trusts may be used depending on your circumstances. These may include living trusts that will allow you to retain control of your assets during your lifetime, irrevocable trusts that can provide protection for your assets, special needs trusts that can provide financial assistance for loved ones with disabilities, and charitable trusts that can ensure that your assets will be donated to causes you believe in while also providing for the needs of yourself and your loved ones.
  • Powers of attorney - To ensure that your wishes will be followed correctly, you can create legal documents that authorize someone to make certain decisions for you in the event that you are unable to do so yourself. A power of attorney for healthcare can address the medical treatment you will receive, and a power of attorney for property can allow a trusted person to manage your financial affairs. Powers of attorney can give you peace of mind knowing that your wishes will always be followed, even if you become incapacitated.
  • Advance medical directives - Living wills and other documents can detail your wishes for the treatment you want to receive if you become terminally ill and are unable to make decisions for yourself or communicate your wishes to others. This can help your family avoid uncertainty about issues such as life-sustaining treatment or pain management.

Estate Administration and Probate

In addition to helping create comprehensive estate plans, we can help ensure that a person's directives will be carried out correctly. Following a person's death, the executor of their estate will be required to complete the probate process, which involves filing their will in probate court, taking an inventory of their assets, paying expenses and taxes, and distributing their assets to their heirs. We can provide guidance and legal representation throughout the probate and estate administration process, ensuring that requirements are met correctly. We can also assist with trust administration, and we can provide representation for executors or beneficiaries in probate litigation related to contested wills and estates.

Contact Our Lombard Estate Planning Lawyers

The experienced legal team at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can help you to create an estate plan that meets your unique needs. We can also offer guidance and support throughout the estate administration process, ensuring that a person's wishes will be carried out correctly. Contact our firm today at 630-932-9100 to arrange a free consultation and begin creating a plan that gives you and your family peace of mind.

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