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Lombard County Sex Crimes Attorney

Criminal Attorneys Defending Sexual Assault and Sex Crimes Charges for Clients in DuPage County and Surrounding Cities

Being labeled a sex offender is a stigma that shadows your existence, requiring lifetime registration, notification to law enforcement whenever you change your residence, and exclusion from certain job opportunities. In addition, certain sexual felonies carry stiff prison terms, and depending on the class of felony under Illinois statutes, you may receive a sentence of up to 35 years.

When sex offenses involve children, repercussions can be even more severe, both in terms of punishment from the criminal justice system and community backlash. Officials swept up in social outrage may deny constitutional rights or arrest a person without substantial evidence. Fear of prison and brutal treatment by guards or inmates frequently haunt those accused of sex offenses.

Retaining an experienced sex crimes lawyer is vital to securing a favorable outcome in these situations. When preparing a strong defense, lawyers often discover that false accusations are common, and they may be brought about by vindictive persons who wish to smear a person's reputation or gain an advantage in a family law case. To ensure that these matters will be addressed properly, it is crucial for anyone accused of sexual offenses to secure representation from an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Defending Your Rights and Liberties in Lombard, Bloomingdale, and Throughout Northern Illinois

In any criminal case, you are considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we can help you determine the defense strategies that may be available as you address sex crime accusations and criminal charges. Extensive experience makes our attorneys very skilled in handling cases involving alleged sex crimes.

Our lawyers will listen carefully to your side of the story, thoroughly investigate your case to gather evidence in your favor, and work diligently to prevent indictment or get your case dismissed. Whenever possible, we seek reduced charges. We handle cases on an individual basis, informing you of your rights and the risks involved in pursuing various options. We can negotiate plea bargains that promote rehabilitation rather than jail time. As strong litigators, we are always prepared to take a case to trial and fight on your behalf if it is the best course of action to obtain a favorable result.

We can provide strong representation and skilled defense in cases involving multiple types of sex crimes, including:

  • Criminal sexual assault - If a person is accused of engaging in an act of sexual penetration through the use of force or threats or when an alleged victim was unable to give consent, they may be charged with a Class 1 felony, which is punishable by four to 15 years in prison.
  • Aggravated criminal sexual assault - Sexual assault in which a person allegedly caused bodily harm, used a deadly weapon, or caused an alleged victim to become intoxicated by a controlled substance without their consent may result in Class X felony charges. A person who is convicted may be sentenced to between six and 30 years in prison, and additional prison time may apply depending on the circumstances of the case.
  • Criminal sexual abuse - Allegations of sexual conduct other than penetration that is committed through the use of force or threats or in situations where the alleged victim was unable to give consent may result in Class 4 felony charges. A conviction may result in a prison sentence of one to three years.
  • Aggravated criminal sexual abuse - Sexual abuse that allegedly caused bodily harm, involved the use of a deadly weapon, or involved sexual conduct with a person under the age of 13 will generally result in Class 2 felony charges. A conviction may result in a prison sentence of three to seven years.
  • Indecent solicitation of a child - Contacting a child under the age of 17 and soliciting sexual acts or sexual conduct may result in charges ranging from a Class 4 to a Class 1 felony.
  • Child pornography - Creating, possessing, or distributing visual depictions of a child under the age of 18 engaging in sexual conduct will usually result in Class 1 felony charges at minimum, although Class X felony charges will apply in many cases.

Contact Our Naperville Sex Crime Defense Attorneys

If you have been accused of sex crimes, we invite you to take advantage of our free initial consultation and put your case in the hands of a trusted lawyer. Call our law firm today at 630-932-9100 or contact Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices online to set up your free, confidential consultation.

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