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19-Year-Old Held for DWI and Injuring an Elderly Woman

 Posted on October 24, 2012 in Personal Injury

Judge Ellen Mandletort has recently increased the bond on a woman who was charged for aggravated driving under the influence back in April of this year to $150,000. This happened because of a laboratory result that was presented by the prosecution showing that the 20-year-old from Palatine was under the influence of heroin, cocaine and codeine during the time of her crash. The car accident occurred at the intersection of First Bank drive and Northwest Highway in Palatine. The cause of the crash was initially thought to be from when Karli Casey huffed the fumes of an aerosol cleaner. A practice usually called "dusting", from the use of keyboard dusting spray cans, results in a high that is cheap and easily accessible. When Casey took a hit from aerosol can, she passed out and her car crossed into the oncoming traffic. The resulting accident left two passengers in Casey's car injured and flipped the car it hit in the oncoming lane. The male driver was injured as was his 84-year-old mother in the passenger seat. This elderly woman suffered multiple fractures and a ruptured spleen, for which she is still rehabbing. Considering the new development, Casey is now facing a 26 count indictment increased from 5 charges before her toxicology test results. That is including a special class 4 felony which can result in a sentencing term between one and twelve years in prison. Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Mike Gerber stated that while probation is an option for sentencing, there must be a special set of circumstance which needs to be presented. While Casey is receiving treatment for her drug problem, she still made the decision to drive while under the influence. If you or a loved one has been hurt from someone else's bad choices, then you may be eligible for some sort of financial compensation. Contact a knowledgeable personal injury attorney in Schaumburg to begin preparations for your case.
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