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4 Healthy Coping Skills to Use When Recovering from Divorce

 Posted on July 09, 2020 in Family Law

DuPage County divorce attorney spousal supportDespite our very best efforts to mentally prepare for the emotional pain that accompanies divorce, it is difficult — if not impossible — to brace ourselves for the outcome, no matter how hard we try. Even couples who split amicably, and are still on good terms after the decision to end their marriage, are often surprised by the emotional tide they find themselves swept up in during and after the divorce proceedings. In reality, the end of a marriage takes a toll on anyone who experiences such a transition, but adopting some healthy coping strategies early on in the process can help pave the way for a less painful road to recovery.

What Does it Mean to Cope in a Healthy Way?

There are all kinds of ways people cope during a loss or major disappointment in life and some of those strategies end up causing more harm and more problems when used consistently. Overeating, binge drinking, or excessive spending can all backfire when used as a way to regulate our emotions. In contrast, coping in a healthy way promotes self-care and helps to relax and support our mental, physical, and spiritual health. Throughout the divorce process, practice the following tips to cope with any painful, uncomfortable emotions in a healthy way:

  1. Pamper Yourself - Indulging in a hot bath, some aromatherapy, or going to the spa for a massage, manicure, or hair appointment are all healthy ways to care for your body and nourish your spirit. Identify those pampering activities you enjoy and utilize them to give yourself a lift and re-energize when you are feeling emotionally drained.

  2. Connect With Nature - Whether your idea of connecting with nature is taking a walk around the neighborhood, going for a hike, or taking a day trip to the beach, it is important to spend some time outside. Not only can this help lower anxiety but it can also act as a positive distraction and give you a fresh perspective on things.

  3. Get Those Endorphins Pumping - If you already make it a habit to work out, consider increasing the intensity of those workouts, or better yet, try new workout routines or activities, like yoga or spinning class. It also helps to reconnect with a physical activity you used to enjoy before your marriage. For example, maybe you used to be on the swim team back in high school, or perhaps you ran track. Whatever your preferred workout activity, get moving, as those endorphins are proven to lift your mood, empower you, and reduce stress levels.

  4. Make Socializing a Priority - Forcing ourselves to socialize while stressed or depressed can feel daunting, but surrounding ourselves with people instead of withdrawing is an important part of coping during a loss. Socializing distracts us in a healthy way and also reminds us that we are not alone and that life goes on despite our loss.

Contact a DuPage County Divorce Lawyer

Experimenting with various coping strategies allows you to find which ones work best for you and help identify your unhealthy coping mechanisms. Reaching out for help with your divorce as you learn to practice self-care is an important part of recovering and reclaiming power over your life. Contact a seasoned, competent Naperville divorce attorney to ensure your rights are protected as you move through the divorce process. Call our dedicated team at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today at 630-932-9100 to schedule your personal consultation.

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