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4 Things You Can Do to Prevent a Nighttime Car Accident

4 Things You Can Do to Prevent a Nighttime Car Accident

 Posted on May 22, 2020 in Personal Injury

Bloomingdale auto accident attorney

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), Americans only do about one-quarter of their driving during nighttime hours. However, these same night hours are when around half of all traffic-related deaths occur. Nighttime driving is not something that can always be avoided. There are a variety of factors that are often present that increase the dangers of driving at night, some of which are in the motorist’s control, and some of which are not. For example, there tend to be more intoxicated and/or fatigued drivers on the road at night than there are during the day. If you have been involved in a nighttime car accident, you should reach out to a personal injury attorney to discuss your options for seeking damages.

Staying Safe When You Are On the Road at Night

One of the biggest obstacles that a driver faces at night is the darkness itself. This increases the chances that a motorist will not see an obstacle in his or her path and end up not having enough time to stop or veer out of the way. Because driving at night is so much more dangerous than driving during the day, there are steps you should take to make sure you are being as safe as possible:

  • Maintain the condition of your windshield and headlights: When it comes to your defenses against the dark while driving, both your windshield and your headlights play a crucial part in allowing you to see the road in front of you clearly. It is important to periodically inspect your windshield for any chips or cracks that could impair your vision. You should also be sure that your headlights are in proper working order and that they are not dirty or fogged up.

  • Try not to stare into oncoming lights: Another issue that can occur at night is being temporarily blinded by the headlights of oncoming traffic. Our eyes often do not adjust well to sudden and extreme changes of light. If you are focused on a dark road and stare into bright headlights, your eyes might not work well after you attempt to refocus on the road.

  • Use your high beams when needed: Bright light can be beneficial when it is used correctly. High beams are often underutilized, but they offer a wide field of clarity when used in very dark, often rural locations. Be sure to turn your high beams off once you are within 500 feet of another vehicle so you do not blind the other driver.

  • Avoid driving when fatigued: Drowsy driving is one type of driving that has received more attention in recent years. Fatigued driving is dangerous and is a contributing factor to thousands of traffic deaths each year. Try not to drive if you feel tired, and be on the lookout for signs of drowsy driving in others on the road.

Contact a Bloomingdale Personal Injury Attorney

Nighttime car accidents may be more common than daytime accidents, but there are things you can do to keep yourself safe when you are driving at night. However, even if you do everything right, there is still a possibility that you could be injured in a collision with another vehicle. At the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we know how devastating an automobile crash can be for the whole family, both emotionally and financially. If you or your loved one has been seriously injured by the negligence of another driver, our team of seasoned DuPage County car accident injury lawyers can help you recover the compensation you need and deserve. To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at 630-932-9100.

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