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4 Tips for Sharing Parenting Time After Your Illinois Divorce

 Posted on November 18, 2020 in Family Law

Naperville parenting time attorneysAs a parent, one of the many important decisions you will need to address during your divorce is how parenting time will be distributed between you and your spouse. Even in the most amicable of divorces when both parties are committed to their children’s best interests, shared parenting time can still be challenging to manage. However, you can take steps both during and after the divorce process to make it easier.

Suggestions for Successful Co-Parenting

Taking the following suggestions into consideration can help you create and maintain a parenting plan that works for everyone involved.

  • Consider both parents’ schedules. A successful parenting plan allows both parents to maintain a strong relationship with their children. When determining the parenting time schedule, it is important to consider when each parent will be working or attending to other commitments so that both of you can make the most of the time you have with your kids.
  • Plan ahead for important events. It is usually a good idea to account for certain special occasions, like holidays, birthdays, and school breaks, when creating your parenting plan. You may decide to alternate years between parents for each holiday, or divide time every year. It can also help to discuss with the other parent in advance of an important event in your child’s life that may not be addressed in your parenting plan, so that you can decide the best way for both of you to be involved.
  • Commit to consistency and timely transitions. The time surrounding your divorce can be stressful and uncertain for your children, and maintaining a consistent schedule for them can help them feel more stable. Try to create a schedule that you can stick to, and make plans for transportation between households such that you are not cutting into the other parent’s allocated time.
  • Be open to modifications. The parenting time schedule you create during your divorce may not always be viable as time goes on and your family’s routines and needs change. If you find that the current arrangement is not working, try to talk to the other parent about agreeing to a modification that suits both of your needs, and filing it with the court for approval.

Contact a DuPage County Parenting Time Attorney

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we have assisted many families with the creation of parenting plans, and we can work with you to help you reach an agreement on parenting time that protects the interests of you and your children. Contact an experienced Naperville family law attorney to request a free consultation at 630-932-9100.



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