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5 Benefits of Divorce Mediation

5 Benefits of Divorce Mediation

 Posted on December 23, 2017 in Family Law

Untitled-design-36.jpgOften times, couples cannot reach a complete agreement regarding their divorce but would like to avoid filing for a contested divorce. When this occurs, seeking mediation can help them reach an agreement and lessen the burden of the divorce process.

Mediation involves a couple working with a neutral third party mediator to discuss and resolve divorce-related issues. If you and your spouse are unable to reach a divorce agreement, you should consider mediation in order to reap the following five benefits.

  1. Greater Privacy. By choosing mediation, you will be able to work out all of your divorce-related issues behind closed doors instead of in an open courtroom. If you would like to make sure your conversations and negotiations are private, seeking mediation is a good idea because anything that is said during mediation cannot be repeated in court.
  2. Faster Resolution. With mediation, you can focus on reaching an agreement on matters related to parenting time and division of assets at a pace that you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse decide on. You can schedule appointments with the mediator at times that are convenient for both of you rather than having to consider the judge’s calendar.
  3. Improved Co-Parenting. Since mediation promotes cooperation and compromise, it can help you and your ex-spouse become better co-parents. In addition, mediation will allow for a less stressful divorce and give you both the opportunity to focus on the best interests of your children.
  4. Lasting Decisions. Research has shown that couples who use divorce mediation to come to an agreement are more willing to honor their decisions than those who have to abide by court-mandated decisions. Working together to create an agreement for the future can also help spouses form a positive relationship that will improve their lives as well as the lives of their children after the divorce.
  5. Money Savings. Divorce can become expensive very quickly. The good news is that mediation can help a couple save money on their own court and attorney fees by expediting the process. If you opt for mediation, you can share the cost of it with your spouse.

Consult Our DuPage County Divorce Attorneys

It is important to understand that even if you choose a mediator who is an attorney, they do not represent you or your spouse. Therefore, you should consider hiring one of our experienced DuPage County divorce lawyers to represent your particular needs and interests. Call us today at 630-932-9100.



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