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Accidents Involving Illinois Motorcyclists

 Posted on March 25, 2014 in Personal Injury

Outdoor enthusiasts look forward to mild spring weather, especially after a harsh winter. And with the arrival of spring and summer months, individuals will head outdoors to enjoy a variety of activities. However, incidents occur each season and remind us of the dangers associated with some of those activities; in particular, the incidence of motorcycle accidents seems especially apparent.

Dangers of Riding a Motorcycle Statistics show that accidents involving motorcycles are much more likely to result in serious injuries or death than accidents involving cars. This deems true for a number of reasons. Motorcycles are harder to spot by other motorists whose views are obstructed by other vehicles, buildings, large trucks, or by fog or rain during inclement weather. Motorcycles are also especially sensitive to road defects such as uneven pavement and potholes, thus making these hazards harder to absorb and maneuver safely. Distraction or inattentiveness on the part of other drivers compounds these already dangerous situations. With that said, some motorcyclists add fuel to the fire by operating their motorcycles in a negligent manner. Like motorists, some travel at high rates of speed beyond the posted limits. In addition, many motorcyclists do not take advantage of safety training before driving on the roadways and do not take proper precautions in wearing protective gear. Recent Motorcycle Accidents in Illinois A recent article described two separate accidents involving motorcycles that occurred in Illinois in the past few weeks. These accounts indicate the danger associated with motorcycles and the importance of operating them with an appropriate degree of care and caution. One man was killed in a crash on the interstate. He was driving his motorcycle when he lost control and collided with a guardrail post. Witnesses pointed to speed as a contributing factor, as the driver slid over 75 feet from the location where he dropped the motorcycle on its side to the location where he crashed into the post. And despite the fact that he was wearing a helmet at the time of the crash, this tragic event still occurred. Another unrelated accident involving a motorcyclist occurred on Illinois 13. The crash occurred when the driver of a car was attempting to pass another vehicle and hit the motorcycle driver almost head-on. The motorcyclist sustained serious injuries including a severely broken leg and facial injuries. The driver of the car was not hurt in the accident, but the vehicle was damaged on the front driver's side. The motorcyclist is hospitalized and the investigation into the crash is not yet complete. Seeking Legal Help As these two incidents demonstrate, crashes involving motorcycles often have grave consequences. It is an unfortunate fact that the number of similar incidents will likely continue to rise in the coming months. It is important to take proper precautions when operating any type of motor vehicle, but not everyone heeds such advice. If you or someone you know was injured or killed in a motor vehicle accident, an experienced accident attorney can help. Contact the attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today for a consultation. We serve clients in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, Kendall, and Will Counties.
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