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How Can Aggressive Driving and Road Rage Lead to Car Accidents in Illinois?

 Posted on July 11, 2019 in Personal Injury

DuPage County car accident attorney road rageEvery motorist becomes annoyed from time to time while driving. Maybe a driver forgot to use his or her turn signal, or a driver was not paying attention when the light turned green. Being bothered by other motorists on the road is almost an inevitable part of driving, but in some cases, it can escalate to an entirely different situation. According to a study conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, nearly 80 percent of drivers felt significant anger or aggression behind the wheel at least once. Road rage is an especially dangerous form of reckless driving, because it can lead to car accidents, resulting in injury or even death. It is important to understand the signs of aggression or road rage in yourself and other drivers to help prevent these accidents.

What Is Road Rage?

Road rage is typically defined as any aggressive or dangerous behaviors that occur because of a driver’s uncontrolled anger toward other motorists. Various acts are considered to be examples of road rage, including:

  • Tailgating

  • Speeding

  • Failing to yield to the right of way

  • Yelling at other drivers

  • Honking at other drivers out of annoyance or anger

  • Cutting off other vehicles

  • Making rude gestures to other drivers

  • Bumping or hitting another vehicle on purpose

How Can I Prevent Accidents?

Not only should you try to avoid aggressive drivers at all costs, but you also have a duty to ensure you do not become an agitated driver yourself. Acknowledging and identifying these behaviors is key to preventing road rage accidents. Here are a few tips to help avoid them:

  • Stay away from aggressive drivers. If necessary, change lanes if another person is tailgating you.

  • Do not engage with an aggressive motorist. Whatever you do, challenging the driver in any way is not going to help the situation. Any type of engagement will only cause further issues. Ignore the driver as much as possible.

  • If an aggressive driver exhibits behavior that could endanger lives, try to record a description of the vehicle and the vehicle’s license plate number. When appropriate, call the police to report the erratic behavior.

Contact a Lombard, IL Car Accident Attorney

In some cases, accidents may be unavoidable. If you have been involved in a car accident that included acts of aggression or road rage, you may be entitled to financial compensation. At the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we understand that car accident injuries can significantly impact your life. Our skilled DuPage County personal injury lawyers will work with you to gather details about your case to determine liability and help you receive the compensation you deserve. Call our office today at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation.

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