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Alarming Recent Motorcycle Accident Statistics

 Posted on June 28, 2023 in Personal Injury

DuPage County Motorcycle Injury LawyersIt is well known by riders and non-riders alike that motorcycles can be dangerous. However, a good portion of that risk can be attributed to how drivers in cars and trucks behave around motorcyclists. Many drivers are not as committed to sharing the road safely and responsibly as they should be. Without the protection of an auto body around you, any collision with another vehicle can be exceedingly dangerous. A large percentage of motorcycle accidents occur during the summer time, when the warm weather attracts more riders. While the weather may be safer for motorcyclists when the roads are not icy or snow-covered, others on the road continue to pose a large risk. If you were injured by a careless driver while riding a motorcycle, it is important to speak with a qualified motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible. Involving an attorney quickly can allow them to gather important evidence from the scene of the accident before it disappears and to interview witnesses while their memory is fresh. 

Statistics Every Motorcyclist Should Know 

Motorcyclists are generally at far greater risk than those riding inside cars or trucks. Some alarming statistics about motorcycle accidents you should know include: 

  • 82,528 injuries - In 2020 alone, 82,528 motorcycle riders were injured in accidents. The state of Illinois alone saw 153 accidents that year, 13% of which were fatal. The sheer number of people who have been injured while riding motorcycles speaks to the dangers riders face.

  • 35% of motorcycle fatalities happen at intersections - Intersections are high-risk areas for motorcyclists. Drivers are often distracted at intersections and may glance around to check for other cars, but can easily miss a motorcycle. 

  • Urban areas are more dangerous - It is statistically safer to ride in rural areas or on the interstate than to ride in urban centers, like Chicago. 61% of motorcycle fatalities happen in cities. Drivers in urban areas are often traveling only a short distance and may not be seriously considering the safety risks associated with driving. 

  • 14% of traffic fatalities are riders - Only 3% of all registered street-legal vehicles are motorcycles. However, 14% of those killed in traffic accidents are motorcycle accidents. This statistic illustrates how dangerous the roads can be for motorcyclists as opposed to car drivers. 

No matter where you ride or how safe of a motorcycle driver you are, there is always the risk of being injured due to the negligence of another motorist. 

Contact a Lombard Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can help if you were injured by a negligent driver while riding a motorcycle. Our experienced team of Lombard motorcycle accident lawyers will do all we can to help you recover anything you may be entitled to. For a free consultation, please contact us at 630-932-9100

Source: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/motorcycle-accident-statistics/

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