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America’s Most Wanted Deadbeat Dad Arrested

 Posted on December 28, 2012 in Family Law

Dad Playing With SonThe Wall Street Journal is reporting that the federal government’s most-wanted child support deadbeat was arrested upon his arrival in the United States at Los Angeles International Airport. Robert Sand, age 50, was taken into custody in the Philippines in November, 2012, and was deported back to the United States. It is believed that Sand has been living in Thailand, among other places, in order to evade his child support obligations over the past ten years.

The Office of the Inspector General maintains a list of the most wanted deadbeat parents on its website. Up until now, Sand has topped that list, owing an estimated $1.2 million or more in back child support to three children from two former marriages.

Sand will face an arraignment in a Long Island federal court on January 16, 2013. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Central Islip is prosecuting Sand and announced his arrest.

While this case illustrates an extreme case of a parent’s failure to pay child support, there are plenty of Illinois residents who are owed past-due child support. For a parent struggling to raise a child or multiple children on his or her own, child support can be essential to meeting a family’s basic needs. When support is not paid as ordered, a custodial parent can have a difficult time enforcing his or her right to receive support, especially if the other parent is not employed, underemployed, or is dodging support enforcement efforts.

Fortunately, an experienced child support lawyer can help a custodial parent enforce his or her child support order by using the enforcement mechanisms available through the court system. Contact our office today, and discover how we can help you get the child support that you need and deserve.

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