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Arranged Marriages Happier Than Previously Thought

 Posted on October 21, 2012 in Family Law

Walking Down Aisle MarriageAccording to the chtribune, a new study has discovered that arranged marriages are not always necessarily unhappy. Contrary to common belief, they can be just as satisfying as free-choice marriages.

The study was done by a team of researchers at California State University who looked at the marriages of 58 Indian-Americans in the United States. 28 of the participants had an arranged marriage and the remaining 30 had married of their own free will. All the participants completed questionnaires concerning, for example, love and relationship satisfaction. It was discovered that there were no differences in the results between the two groups.

While the discovery was surprising, there are many explanations for it. For instance, even countries, such as India, which have a strong tradition of arranged marriage are not as strict about it anymore. Nowadays, families may “offer” more than one possible candidate for their child and he or she can choose the one they like the most. Therefore, it’s possible that the arranged marriages in the study were actually these more modern types of matrimonies. Secondly, the study was relatively small and arranged marriages in the U.S. most likely differ from arranged marriages in more traditional societies.

Although the study proves that arranged marriages in the U.S. are usually satisfactory to both partners, it doesn’t mean that they are always so. Sometimes a marriage just doesn’t work and dissolution of arranged marriage might very well be the best option that you have. If you are thinking of divorcing your spouse, you will need the help of skilled divorce attorneys that know what to do in these situations. It doesn’t matter if you were married in another country; if you live in Illinois, its divorce law still applies. Contact a highly qualified divorce attorney in Chicago today.

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