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American Academy of Pediatrics Suggest Parents Ask Child’s Pediatrician for Help During Divorce

 Posted on November 28, 2016 in Family Law

Illinois family law attorneysOver the last several years, divorce has gone from a stigmatized and rare situation to a fairly common one. Some might view this as a negative, but there are potential benefits. For example, more divorce means psychologists and doctors now better understand how divorce affects those involved. This includes children, who often struggle to cope. In the same vein, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that pediatricians could provide support to families going through divorce. The following explains further, and provides some additional information on where parents can turn for help.

Understanding Children of Divorce

Every child is unique. Every family is unique. So it only makes sense that each child will respond differently to divorce. However, there are some common behaviors that may present in children at a particular age and stage of development. Pediatricians have an in-depth understanding of these various stages, and they typically have a history with their patients. This gives them a lot of insight and knowledge when it comes to knowing how to advise parents on how their child may cope with the divorce.

The pediatrician may also be able to provide parents with some tools and resources to help them through each of the child’s coping stages. At the very least, they know when to refer out to a more specialized doctor, like a psychiatrist or therapist, for additional help, and when a child may simply need more time to adjust. In short, a pediatrician may be a first line of support for potentially concerned or frazzled parents who are uncertain of how to help their child in the year or two after a divorce.

Legal Resources Can Also Be Highly Valuable

While it is recommended that all couples seek legal assistance for their divorce, those that have children are strongly encouraged to do so. This is because, in addition to the complexities of the divorce itself, they are burdened with the additional task of creating a parenting plan. This highly sensitive process involves negotiations, compromises, and the all-too-important task of remembering to put the child at the center of all decisions. It also comes with a lot of emotional pitfalls that can lead to conflict and contention that may ultimately make coping with the divorce even more difficult for a child.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we understand the complexities of your situation. With compassion and dedication, we strive to meet your family’s needs. Above all else, we prioritize the best interests of your child and the future of your family. We work with you to develop a parenting plan that can hopefully satisfy all parties. Contact our DuPage County family law attorneys and schedule your free consultation to learn more. Call 630-932-9100.



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