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Avoid Making These Mistakes During Your Illinois Slip and Fall Case

 Posted on September 12, 2019 in Personal Injury

Bloomingdale slip and fall injury lawyer

Personal injury claims are not always the easiest cases to win. In a slip and fall or any case in which an injury occurs because of someone's negligence, the burden of proof falls on you, the plaintiff, not the defendant. This means you must be able to prove that the defendant is responsible for the injuries you are claiming to have sustained. Proving negligence can be a difficult process, and you do not want to make a mistake that could have been easily avoided. If you are pursuing a personal injury claim for a slip and fall case, be careful to avoid the following errors in order to increase your chances at receiving compensation:

Not Seeking Medical Attention

The entire premise of a slip and fall case is based on your injuries. You are trying to pursue compensation for injuries that you sustained because someone acted recklessly, and that negligence caused you to slip and/or fall. Seeing a physician is crucial, because it will provide a medical record of your injuries. You also need to make sure you are following your doctor’s orders and going to any follow-up appointments. Not seeking medical assistance can make it seem like your injuries are not as serious as you claim them to be.

Revealing Too Much on Social Media

The best thing to do is to avoid posting much, if anything, on social media during your slip and fall case. You can accidentally post information that could be detrimental to the chances of winning your case. If you post a photo of yourself engaging in physical activity when you claim you are unable to work because of the injury, your credibility could be damaged in court.

Not Filing Your Case in a Timely Manner

Every type of legal case, even criminal cases, has what is called a statute of limitations. This means there is a certain time period during which you must file your claim. In the state of Illinois, you have two years from the date your injury occurred to make a personal injury claim. If you try to file a claim after the two years is up, your claim may not be heard in court.

Contact a Bloomingdale Personal Injury Lawyer

Slip and fall injuries can vary depending on the height of the fall, the type of surface on which a person lands, and the individual’s reaction to the fall. Some people may be able to get up, brush themselves off, and walk away unharmed; others can suffer serious injuries like broken bones or even brain injuries. If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, do not inadvertently make a mistake that could affect your claim. Contact our DuPage County slip and fall attorneys to begin building your case. At the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we will do everything in our power to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve. Call our office today at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation.

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