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Baby Boomers Divorce Rates Double, According to Studies.

 Posted on December 22, 2012 in Family Law

older-divorce-coupleWhile divorce rates have begun to stabilize in the US, baby boomers divorce rates have increased and doubled in size. According to a recent CNN article, it was found that couples over the age of 50 are starting to have higher divorce rates within the last 20 years. The study also found that these rates were more common among black people over the age of 50. Hispanics had fallen somewhere in the middle and whites were at the tail end of divorces for the older

population. Many of these recently divorced adults were found to be less educated then those who have continued to stay married.

The author, Susan L. Brown, says that the baby boomers have changed the ideas of marriage. After retiring, many boomers want something different to start a new chapter of their life. Couples were together after a long day of work to spend time with each other and their children. Now, after retiring they have all of this time together and maybe it seems not as ideal for them to be together for the next 20 years. Baby boomers seeking divorce are looking to start a life of their own. However, there is the concern of loneliness and financial stability that will come into factor.

Having a positive relationship after the divorce is a big concern as well, due to wanting to maintain a healthy relationship for their children and grandchildren.

When planning a divorce for any age, spouses should have their own separate lawyers to ensure that they each can express their own views and to avoid court fights in order to maintain a positive relationship after the divorce. Contact a devoted divorce attorney in Illinois that will help make the best decisions for you.

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