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Bicyclist Seriously Injured in Vehicle Wreck

Bicyclist Seriously Injured in Vehicle Wreck

 Posted on August 27, 2015 in Personal Injury

Bicycling, both as a means of transportation and for pleasure, has become increasingly more common in the Chicago metro area, especially during the warm summer months. Unfortunately, notoriously busy Chicago traffic and bicyclists do not always make for a good combination.

The chtribune is reporting that on August 26, 2012, a vehicle struck a bicyclist in the 600 block of East Marquette Road, which is located in the West Woodlawn neighborhood, at approximately 11:15 a.m. The bicyclist sustained serious injuries in the crash, and was transported to a local hospital by ambulance.

While the specific details of this accident are not yet available, a number of circumstances could have led to this type of accident. Many times, drivers are not as aware as they should be of their surroundings, and particularly of bicyclists and pedestrians. Drivers may become easily distracted by telephone calls, text messages, or other behaviors that are generally inappropriate while driving. When drivers do not drive safely, and, as a result, fail to take proper notice of nearby bicyclists, they may misjudge distances, underestimate movements, and ultimately cause collisions that can be life-threatening to all parties involved.

Furthermore, in accidents involving any type of motor vehicles and bicycles, the likelihood of serious injury to the bicyclist is far greater than to the driver or passenger of a motor vehicle. The sheer weight of any motor vehicle is so much greater than a bicycle that the impact is sure to have a greater effect on the bicyclist than the vehicle occupants. Likewise, vehicle occupants are more likely to be restrained by seatbelts and protected by safety mechanisms such as airbags and the design of the overall frame of the vehicle. A bicyclist, on the other hand, has no restraints, little protection against a collision, aside from potentially wearing a helmet. Therefore, the risk of serious or even fatal injury to the bicyclist in such a collision is infinitely higher than to any vehicle occupants.

If you or a family member suffers serious injuries in a collision between a bicycle and a motor vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation from the driver whose negligence caused the accident and the resulting injuries. Contact your Schaumburg personal injury attorney today, and explore your options for financial recovery.

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