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Big Cities, Dangerous Buildings

 Posted on February 11, 2016 in Personal Injury

DuPage County personal injury attorneys, dangerous buildingsThe bustling metropolis of a big city can bring about many dangers, including those that come from walking the streets around apartment buildings and living inside those buildings. Aging structures and the sheer volumes of premises that need regular inspections are cause for concern.

Building code violations can occur more frequently than you think. The next time you step into an elevator, flick on a light switch, or stand out on a balcony, think twice about your safety as you have put faith in the assumption that the building is up to code and has been inspected fully on a regular basis.

Types of Violations

Premise liability exists when an individual is injured or a wrongful death occurs due to a circumstance present in a commercial or residential building. If there was a failure in safety standards that lead to an injury, the premise owner may be held accountable. Typical violations are most commonly seen in the form of the following:

  • Faulty elevators and elevators with no working emergency phone line;
  • Faulty wiring;
  • Plumbing issues;
  • Sub-standard stairwell railings;
  • HVAC problems;
  • Building facades crumbling to the street below;
  • Poor lighting; and
  • Faulty emergency systems such as sprinklers, exits, smoke detectors.

A search of violations by address is available online. Or, to report a violation in DuPage County, the Building Division link provides the necessary procedures.

A Duty of Care and More

To establish negligence on the part of a building owner, each aspect of negligence must be proved, from a duty of care owed to a breach by way of the presence of a hazardous situation and harm resulting from the act or omission to keep the premises safe. Retaining the services of an attorney who has experience in premise liability litigation, as well as compassion and negotiation skills required to strive for the highest possible compensation, is essential.

Speak with a Skilled Illinois Building Code Violations Lawyer Today

If you have were injured or suffered wrongful because of a building code violation, Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices is the team to have on your side. Our skilled DuPage County personal injury attorneys will give you an honest and fair assessment of the merits of your case. Please call us today at 630-932-9100 to schedule your free initial consultation.





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