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Billed For More Than Injuries After Motorcycle Accident

 Posted on September 18, 2013 in Personal Injury

According to CBS Chicago, a summer motorcycle accident left one woman with more than just injuries—it left her with an unmanageable bill that wasn't just for treatment. Anna DiDonna "nearly died on a Naperville road in June when she lost control of her newly purchased motorcycle and hit a guard rail," according to CBS. DiDonna underwent some major operations at Edward Hospital, where doctors were forced to perform CPR after losing her pulse for 90 seconds. DiDonna's doctors also had to compress her aorta to keep her brain from losing blood, and she "also suffered collapsed lungs and a shattered collar bone and arm," reports CBS. "She was on a ventilator fighting for her life, then later learned her hospital stay was going to be costly in an unexpected way." She learned that she was being charged just shy of $900 to store her damaged motorcycle. As it turned out, unbeknownst to DiDonna, with whom police never spoke about the motorcycle, "her motorcycle had been towed to a private tow yard instead of the police impound," according to CBS, which "is where it racked up enormous storage fees." Police claim to have told DiDonna's boyfriend where the motorcycle was being kept, and the tow yard told CBS that under state law they were permitted to not contact the owner of the towed vehicle until the vehicle had been impounded in the lot for a 30 days. Having a car impounded isn't the only possible hidden cost when involved in a car accident. Having a qualified accident attorney on your side to address what could otherwise be considered hidden costs is an important first step toward recovering from an accident such as the one in which DiDonna was involved. Other accident victims may experience the hidden costs of lost productivity, lost time at work, rehabilitation expenses, and costs incurred by the simple pain, suffering, and loss of quality of life that can ensue following serious injuries. If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident and need help recuperating costs or feel that you have been wronged in any way, the most important first step is to contact a lawyer. Don't go through it alone. Contact an experienced Chicago-area accident attorney today.
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