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Birth Order Linked To Divorce, Study Says

 Posted on August 20, 2013 in Family Law

According to new research from economist Enrico Moretti, parents of first-born girls are more likely to divorce. The researcher began his study with an interest in whether a child’s sex had any impact on the parent’s chances of getting divorced. Moretti partnered with prominent economist Gordon B.Dahl to uncover the potential links. A steady stream of divorce research has helped to make connections with leading causes for divorce, the emotional impacts of divorce, and what encourages individuals to stay in marriages versus make the step forward with divorce.


After reviewing U.S. Census data between 1960 and 2000, Moretti and Dahl discovered that families with first-born sons were less likely to divorce when compared with those whose first born was a girl. The researchers also uncovered another interesting aspect of a child’s sex: parents with first-born sons are also less likely to have more children. Moretti links this to a perceived demand for male children by arguing that these families with first-born sons feel less pressure to continue having children.

Of course, having children and considering divorce is a very challenging emotional decision, which leads many quarreling parents to stay in their marriages longer than they might have if children were not a factor. Child custody battles are well-known for the increased tensions and emotions that parents face when fighting with the other parent about what will happen to the children post-divorce.

For some couples, the children might play an even bigger role in the fundamental reasons for the marriage dissolution. Perhaps disagreements about how to raise them or how many children to have are causing arguments between them, but children often are a complicating factor in the decision to divorce for couples around the country. If you are considering divorce and would like more information about child custody and your legal options, contact your Illinois divorce lawyer today to set up a meeting.

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