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Brachial Plexus Damage During Childbirth Can Cause Lifelong Injuries

 Posted on October 11, 2022 in Personal Injury

DuPage County birth injury lawyerAlthough the vast majority of births are safe and do not involve serious complications, sometimes complex conditions present themselves and urgent treatment is required. In addition to being aware of a mother’s health risks, doctors and nursing staff must be properly trained on how to respond to difficult birth conditions so infants can get the best standard of care during delivery.

Unfortunately, this standard of care is not always met. Certain conditions can cause a critical bundle of nerves called the “brachial plexus” to become damaged, leading to other serious conditions like cereal palsy. If this happens to your child, it is important to speak with an Illinois birth injury attorney who can determine whether you may be able to seek compensation for your child’s injuries and suffering.

Brachial Plexus Injuries and Their Consequences

The nerves that constitute the brachial plexus originate in the spinal cord and travel down both sides of a child’s neck and shoulders. Brachial plexus nerves are responsible for helping the brain communicate with the arms and hands, allowing them to move and feel sensations like heat, pressure, and pain. Serious damage to the brachial plexus can cause:

  • Loss of feeling in one or both arms
  • Muscle weakness or paralysis in one or both arms
  • Shoulder and arm pain or stiffness
  • Difficulties with daily living

Brachial plexus damage often occurs to only one side when a child becomes stuck in the vaginal canal during childbirth. This causes the head and shoulders to be pushed away from each other, causing the neck to stretch and potentially damaging the nerves that run along the neck. Additionally, lack of oxygen to the brain for an extended period of time can also damage the brachial plexus.

Some brachial plexus injuries are mild and heal on their own in the months after childbirth. Other times, however, a child who suffers from a brachial plexus injury has long-term mobility loss which requires expensive medical treatment that may or may not be able to successfully resolve the issue.

How Much Could a Brachial Plexus Lawsuit Be Worth?

Like any personal injury case, the damages awarded for brachial plexus injuries will depend on the severity of the injuries and the expected extent of medical intervention. A brachial plexus case usually requires the testimony of medical personnel who can discuss a child’s injuries and how they occurred. Successful cases vary in compensation, but awards of several million dollars are not unheard of for extreme cases.

Contact an Experienced Team of DuPage County Birth Injury Lawyers

Brachial plexus injuries can cause serious life-long damage to an infant and often result in substantial financial payouts to parents who must deal with the consequences of their child’s birth injuries. If your child was injured during childbirth and suffers from brain damage or physical injuries as a result, it is important to speak with a Bloomingdale birth injury attorney who can help you determine whether a doctor may be responsible for your child’s injuries. Call Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today at 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation.



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