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Can an Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me Get Social Security Disability Benefits?

 Posted on March 31, 2022 in Personal Injury

Naperville injury lawyerOne of the many disadvantages that victims of catastrophic injuries often suffer is having to navigate the complexities of various legal and governmental systems as they try to obtain compensation and benefits that are necessary for living with a disabling condition. While personal injury attorneys are known for helping clients pursue lawsuits against the party who is directly responsible for the client’s injury, victims of these injuries may not realize that they can also get help with issues like workers’ compensation claims and Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits.

If you or someone you love has been seriously hurt or killed by a car or truck accident, poor medical care, dangerous premises, or while at work on a construction site, you may need the help of an Illinois personal injury attorney in more than one area as you adjust to a new reality.

Who Can Get Social Security Disability Benefits?

Not everyone who is disabled and unable to work will qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. There are complex work eligibility requirements that are affected by how someone has worked, how recently they have worked, and how much they earned. Recipients must also be considered disabled.

While it may seem fairly obvious to someone who has a disability that they are disabled, the government uses strict definitions to determine whether they will pay SSD benefits. These are:

  • That a recipient can no longer work at their former job
  • That a recipient cannot work at any other job
  • The disability has lasted, or will last, at least a year or will eventually result in death

Certain disabilities, such as chronic heart failure, automatically qualify for benefits with the appropriate medical documentation that proves the condition. Other disabilities, often including those that occurred as a result of a serious injury, require a victim to prove the disability meets the level of impairment necessary to receive SSD benefits.

Unfortunately, even people who are qualified for SSD sometimes have to fight for the benefits they deserve. Because decisions about whether to approve SSD are often made by people who are only looking at a paper application, the reality of a victim’s suffering and the extent of their disability can be misunderstood or ignored. That is where an attorney can help.

Meet with a Naperville, IL Social Security Disability Benefits Lawyer

Navigating the federal bureaucracy to apply for federal disability benefits can frustrate even the most patient person. If you need help applying for benefits or appealing a rejection, consider working with the experienced Naperville Social Security Disability benefits attorneys with Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. We will explore every avenue to try to get you the help you need. Call us now at 630-932-9100 to schedule your free initial case review.




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