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Can I File a Personal Injury Lawsuit For an Accident that Occurred Years Ago?

 Posted on October 30, 2013 in Personal Injury

Especially when symptoms related to a car accident do not appear until much later, many people do not move forward in hiring an attorney for a car accident and a personal injury a case. Sometimes, the worst chronic pain does not really become problematic for the victim of a car accident until months after the accident. What is important to remember is that all personal injury cases are affected by what is known as the statute of limitations, referring to the time limit under which you are eligible for file your case. In Illinois, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is generally two years. For the most part, each state has their own statute of limitations guidelines for each type of case that may be filed. The two year limitation in Illinois refers to the accident date. There are exceptions to this referring to the age and the mental competency of that victim. The statute of limitations, for example, for a minor, does not technically start until that victim has turned 18 years old. If your accident date was more than two years ago, attempting to move forward with a personal injury case will only result in potential damages being barred. Although two years might seem like a long time, in the aftermath of a serious car accident it may take several months just to manage your medical appointments and care. That's why reaching out to a lawyer sooner rather than later is critical, as it will give your attorney time to review your case, consider the evidence of what happened in the accident and how that accident has impacted your life, and prepare your case for filing. When it comes to a personal injury lawsuit, you should always reach out to Illinois accident attorneys sooner rather than later to protect your rights and the damages you might be entitled to.
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