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Can I Pursue Compensation After an Illinois Pedestrian Accident?

 Posted on April 08, 2020 in Personal Injury

Lombard, IL pedestrian accident attorney

Everyone has their own preferred method of transportation, but we are all pedestrians at some point throughout our lifetime. Unfortunately, pedestrians were one of the groups that saw an increase in traffic fatalities in 2018. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were over 6,000 pedestrians killed in traffic crashes in 2018. This is the highest number of pedestrian deaths that have been recorded since 1990, prompting much concern about the safety of our nation’s pedestrians. In many cases, pedestrian accidents are caused by negligent drivers. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries from a pedestrian traffic accident, an Illinois personal injury attorney can help you take the legal necessary steps to recover compensation.

Recovering Compensation for Pedestrian Accident Injuries

Many campaigns for pedestrian safety start with educating pedestrians on the steps they can take to be proactive and protect themselves. These include paying attention to one's surroundings, wearing reflective or bright clothing at night, and only crossing the street at designated pedestrian crossings. While these things can help prevent an accident, the fault for many accidents involving pedestrians can be traced back to the driver. Many causes of pedestrian accidents include motorists who were driving under the influence, driving while distracted, speeding, or ignoring traffic lights and signs.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a pedestrian accident, the first step is to get the necessary medical attention for any injuries you might have sustained. After that, your lawyer will be able to help you with gathering other evidence. Supporting evidence could include testimonies from witnesses who saw the accident happen, police reports, or videos of the accident from nearby security cameras.

Injuries Are Often Severe

Pedestrian accidents often result in serious injuries to the person on foot because of the sheer difference in size, weight, and amount of protection between the pedestrian and the motor vehicle. Common injuries that pedestrians suffer include broken bones, spinal cord damage, and brain trauma. These types of injuries can lead to other complications, and they can have a debilitating impact on your life. A personal injury lawyer can help you recover compensation for any damages, such as lost wages or medical bills you incur as a result of your injuries.

Contact a Bloomingdale Personal Injury Attorney

Being involved in a pedestrian accident can result in severe injuries that affect multiple aspects of your life. The skilled team at the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can help you pursue a personal injury claim for any damages or injuries you may have sustained in the accident. In some cases, a reckless or negligent driver may be held responsible. To schedule a free consultation with our knowledgeable DuPage County pedestrian accident lawyers, call us today at 630-932-9100.

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