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Can I Sue My Dentist for Malpractice in Illinois?

 Posted on September 23, 2024 in Personal Injury

Bloomingdale, IL dental malpractice lawyerFew people enjoy going to the dentist, but good dental hygiene and prompt treatment of oral issues are necessary for your overall health. You have probably heard about medical malpractice, when a physician, hospital, or other healthcare provider harms patients through negligence. Did you know that dentists can also be held liable for their negligence?

What kinds of negligence can apply to dentistry, and what are common consequences? Can you get compensation? The knowledgeable lawyers from Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices invite you to discuss your case with us during a free consultation.

What Is Medical Malpractice?

Doctors and other healthcare professionals are legally obligated to uphold a high standard to give their patients the best possible care. Like most other personal injury claims, dental and medical malpractice cases are based on negligence. A rough definition of medical or dental negligence is failing to provide the same level of care that another healthcare professional with a similar background would have provided in the same circumstances.

Dentists, oral surgeons, and dental hygienists can be held responsible for negligent practices that result in harming their patients. Dental malpractice may include:

  • Pulling the wrong tooth

  • Performing unnecessary procedures

  • Allowing oral infections to fester

  • Administering anesthesia improperly

  • Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis

  • Using unsterilized tools

  • Failing to monitor patients after procedures

  • Defective or malfunctioning dental equipment

Your skilled attorney from Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices will investigate your injury to establish liability.

What Are the Consequences of Dental Malpractice?

All the instances mentioned above can impact the patient’s life significantly. Complications include:

  • Nerve damage during procedures can cause permanent damage to the patient’s lips, face, and tongue, potentially causing problems with eating, drinking, swallowing, and speaking.

  • Delayed diagnosis can allow oral infections to spread to the patient’s bloodstream, possibly leading to sepsis and even death.

  • Inadequate care can cause patients to lose teeth, which may impact their ability to eat and speak; if the missing teeth are visible, patients may consider themselves disfigured and suffering from embarrassment or humiliation.

  • A failed root canal can damage the jawbone.

  • Undiagnosed oral cancer can cause significant health problems.

  • Anesthesia errors, such as administering drugs to a patient who has disclosed allergies or failing to monitor the patient closely, can lead to permanent damage or death.

  • Chronic pain can result from any of these errors.

You cannot sue your dentist because your teeth are unhealthy or you do not like the shade he chose for your filling. To get compensation, you must have suffered harm with associated damages from his negligence.

You have two years from the date of your injury or when your injury becomes apparent to file a claim in Illinois. If you believe you have a case, the best way to find out is to call Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices for your free consultation. We know the applicable laws and will explain your legal options.

Call Our Skilled Naperville, IL Medical Malpractice Lawyers To Discuss Your Case

Dental malpractice can cause significant harm with long-lasting consequences. At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we provide effective legal representation and are determined to help you achieve the best possible results for your claim. Call us at 630-932-9100 for your free consultation with our dedicated Bloomingdale, IL personal injury attorneys.

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