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Have You Been in a Car Accident? Be on the Lookout for Common Injuries

 Posted on December 08, 2016 in Personal Injury

DuPage County auto accident lawyers, car accident injuriesFollowing an accident, it is important to be aware of the symptoms of car crash injuries. While injuries may be immediately apparent in the case of broken bones or cuts, other injuries do not become apparent until well after an accident. Also, not all injuries from an accident are physical. Injuries can be mental or emotional as well.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the number of car crash injuries has remained more or less the same despite the number of car crash fatalities decreasing over the years. In fact, the Center for Disease Control notes that Americans spend one million days in the hospital each year for injuries related to automotive accidents.

In the days and weeks following an auto accident, it is important to take careful note of how you are feeling. Writing down this information is a good idea, as is going to a doctor since increasing pain often does not resolve itself on its own.

Common injuries from car and truck accidents include the following:

  • Neck injury. This can result from whiplash. Some people feel stiffness or pain following an accident. Neck pain can signal a very serious injury.
  • Back injury. This type of injury can result from being hit from behind. Back injuries notoriously show up days after an accident and tend to be long-lasting and not easily resolved.
  • Connective tissue injury. Connective tissue injuries, also called soft tissue injuries, are the most common of car accident injuries. This injury ranges in severity. Many people recover from this over time. However, if you think you have a connective tissue injury, it is important to be examined by a doctor because such an injury could be symptom of more serious conditions.
  • Traumatic brain injury. TBIs occur when the head had been jolted. Some TBIs are mild concussions, while other TBIs can result in comas. Many complications from TBIs are mental or emotional.
  • Psychological injury. In severe accidents where others have died, it is not uncommon for accident victims to feel anxiety or depression following an accident.

After a car accident, you should be aware of the types of injuries and symptoms you could experience. Additionally, it is important that you speak with an attorney who focuses on car and truck accidents to insure that you are fully compensated for these injuries. Contact the DuPage County auto accident lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. For a free consultation, call 630-932-9100.




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