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Causes of Truck Trailer Detachment Accidents

 Posted on November 17, 2021 in Personal Injury

shutterstock_1799325685-min.jpgTrailers that become detached from the truck cab are often moving at high speeds completely out of control. Pile-up accidents involving multiple vehicles can result when a trailer detaches and plows into smaller cars with tremendous force, often pushing them into other cars. This type of trucking crash can cause serious injuries or fatalities due to the size and speed of a runaway trailer. Sadly, many of these terrible accidents could have been prevented with the exercise of reasonable caution. If you were injured in a truck trailer detachment accident, you will need a knowledgeable attorney to help you discover and prove the cause of the crash before you can recover compensation.

What Types of Negligence Cause Trailers to Detach?

Trailer detachments rarely happen for no reason. There are safe ways to haul a trailer if the correct procedures are followed, and appropriate care is used. Reasons a trailer might detach and cause a wreck include:

  • Improper maintenance - Truck drivers and trucking companies share the duty to make sure the hitch securing the trailer is in good working condition and free from significant rust, corrosion, or other damage that could cause it to break open.

  • Reckless driving - Truck drivers are expected to employ their professional knowledge skills to safely operate while hauling a trailer. Taking turns too fast, accelerating or stopping too quickly, and speeding can all cause the hitch to snap and the trailer to run loose. Drivers must also consider the weather when deciding whether it is safe to drive. High winds and other adverse conditions can make the roads more dangerous for trucks with trailers than other types of vehicles.

  • Improper use - To hold a load securely, a hitch must be used correctly. If it was not fastened according to the instructions or a part of the procedure to make sure a trailer is secured is carelessly omitted, the hitch could come undone. Equally important is securing the load inside the trailer. If cargo inside is unbalanced or becomes loose within the trailer, it could cause the trailer to begin moving unpredictably and come loose or tip over.

  • External causes - Negligence is usually the culprit in trailer detachment crashes, but not necessarily the truck driver’s negligence. A careless third party on the road can contribute to trailer detachments if they force the driver to make an abrupt maneuver that causes the trailer to detach. Leaving debris in the road that a truck must swerve around or cutting in front of a truck without warning and forcing it to brake abruptly can cause a detachment accident.

Determining exactly what caused a trailer to detach can be difficult. An experienced attorney should investigate on your behalf as soon as possible after the crash to help find out.

Contact a DuPage County Truck Accident Lawyer

Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices has a proven record in recovering compensation for injured victims of negligent trucking accidents. Our Bloomingdale truck accident attorneys are experienced in conducting accident investigations to help prove your case. Call 630-932-9100 to schedule a free consultation.



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