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Charges Filed in January Crash

 Posted on February 15, 2013 in Personal Injury

A woman was killed in a fiery crash in late January after posting a "chilling message on Facebook soon before her death," according to the chtribune. Ismael Garcia, 33, was drunk and high on cocaine and driving 78 mph through the city when he crashed the car. According to the Tribune, "crash investigators found an opened and almost empty bottle of Jagermeister and an opened and empty bottle of Jose Cuervo tequila inside the car." Bianca Christakis-Prieto was pronounced dead on the scene, and another backseat passenger was badly injured. The surviving passenger told police that Garcia had been driving recklessly all night, and that the women had asked him to take them home. Garcia had refused to take them home until he finished his second bottle, and continued to "drive dangerously at a very high rate of speed, passing vehicles by switching lanes and disregarding traffic symbols." At some point in the night, Christakis-Prieto posted on Facebook "If u cnt handle yur liq then dnt drink [expletive]. Wreckless ass night… ." Garcia has been charged with reckless homicide, aggravated DUI involving death and aggravated DUI involving great bodily harm. In Illinois, a DUI resulting in someone's death is a Class 2 felony, which carries consequences of a prison term for three to 14 years and a fine of up to $25,000. Like in all states, the legal blood alcohol limit is .08. Garcia's blood-alcohol content was initially measured at 0.255 percent, and hospital records proved that cocaine was also in his system. If you or someone you know has been injured in an accident such as this, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact an experienced Illinois accident attorney today.
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