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Chicago Commuter Train Accident Leaves 14 Injured

 Posted on January 29, 2014 in Personal Injury

January's severe winter weather caused hazardous traveling conditions across most of the country. Not only did many places see significant snow accumulation, but the frigid temperatures alone also played a role in making for dangerous conditions. Now, officials in Chicago are trying to determine if the weather played a part in a series of accidents that occurred on the city's commuter trains last week.

According to news outlets, 14 people were hurt in an accident while riding the commuter train in Chicago on Monday. The accident was the second one that occurred that day, and happened when the train hit what is known as a bumping post at a station in the city's downtown area. The cause of the accident was not readily apparent, but possible causes include slippery tracks or a problem with the train's brakes. While the cause of the accident was under investigation, the remainder of the commuter trains on the railways were instructed to slow their speed significantly in an effort to prevent further incidents.

The accident occurred at around 8:45 AM, and involved the Rock Island District line train, which was coming from Naperville, as it came up on the end of the station platform at LaSalle Street. Passengers described the accident as starting with a loud boom and strong jolt, with passengers struggling to stay upright in the aftermath. There were 175 on the train at the time. Of the 14 injured, six were transported to the hospital for treatment of minor injuries. The remainder of those injured passengers had refused treatment.

The first accident of that day also involved hitting a bumping post, and occurred at about 6:15 AM. There were no injuries that were reported as a result of that accident, although there was damage that was caused to the train and bumping post.

The city's investigation into the cause of the accidents remains ongoing, though it is suspected that weather played a role. This January, temperatures in Chicago dropped down to 15 below zero and wind chill made it feel like minus 40 at times.

Depending on the cause of the accident and the severity of passenger's injuries, the city could have a lawsuit on their hands. If, for example, it is discovered that the cause of the accident is related to the train's malfunctioning or mechanical failure, investigators will likely have to determine further if the cause was due to the city's failure to maintain the train and ensure it was in proper working condition.

If you or someone you know was involved in an accident that caused an injury, an experienced Illinois personal injury attorney can help you bring your claim. The attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices have been successful in many personal injury cases. Contact us today for a consultation.
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