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Children Injured in Car Accidents Fare Better When Treated at Pediatric Trauma Centers

 Posted on August 01, 2016 in Personal Injury

Children Injured in Car Accidents Fare Better When Treated at Pediatric Trauma Centers, DuPage County personal injury attorneysWhile improvements in safety regulations on automobiles and car seats have become more stringent to protect children from injury and fatality during an auto accident, traffic fatality remains the leading cause of death among those under the age of 4. Even more concerning is that the number of child fatalities has slightly increased, going from 1,139 in 2011 to 1,168 in 2012. However, a recent study suggests that some of those deaths could be prevented if children were treated at designated pediatric trauma centers instead of general adult trauma centers.

Non-Pediatric Trauma Centers versus Pediatric Trauma Centers

Published in the Journal of Pediatric Surgery, the recent study examined medical data of 28,145 patients under the age of 18 injured in an automobile accident to determine the quality of care of those treated at general adult trauma centers against those treated at pediatric trauma centers. Overall, 21.4 percent received treatment at a combination pediatric and general adult trauma center, 58 percent received treatment at a general adult trauma center, and 19.9 percent received treatment at a pediatric trauma center. Their injuries included those to the head and neck (66.2 percent) and multiple injuries (42.7 percent).

According to the researchers, children treated at general adult centers and combination centers suffered a greater risk of complications, such as pneumonia, and death than those treated at pediatric trauma centers. They were also more likely to undergo invasive procedures or receive unnecessary treatments than those at pediatric centers, which also increases their risk for possible complications.

The fact that pediatric centers focus solely on children, and are therefore more confident in handling their injuries in a more conservative manner (including knowing when to simply observe at the hospital rather than treat aggressively) is thought to be a big part of the decreased complication risk for those treated at pediatric centers. However, such centers may also be more aware of when to act aggressively, which may also increase a child’s chances of survival if they have sustained severe injuries.

Auto Accident Injuries or Wrongful Death? Our Attorneys Can Help

If you, your child, or someone you love has suffered injuries or wrongful death in an automobile accident, you may be entitled to compensation. The skilled and experienced DuPage County personal injury attorneys at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can protect your rights and best interest, improving your chances at a fair and just settlement. Get the legal representation you deserve. Call us at 630-932-9100 and schedule your free initial consultation today.


http://upi.com/Health_News/2016/05/20/Children-in-car-crashes-fare-better-at-pediatric-trauma-centers-study-says/8121463772639/ http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/812011.pdf

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