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Common Causes of Truck Accidents

 Posted on August 08, 2017 in Personal Injury

Lombard truck accident injury attorney, truck accidents, distracted driving, truck equipment failure, driver negligenceTruck accidents involving semis are often catastrophic. Other drivers who are involved in truck crashes are often seriously injured or even killed as a result. The sheer force and power behind these massive vehicles make them a potentially deadly weapon when they lose control on the highway.

Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holders have specialized training and experience to avoid big rig accidents, yet they occur all too frequently. So, what are the most common causes of these types of accidents?

Truck Equipment Failure

The statement “the bigger they are, the harder they fall” rings true in this comparison. If mechanics fail in a passenger vehicle, the results are potentially disastrous. When a commercial truck gets into an accident, the results are exponentially more severe. While a smaller passenger vehicle can usually delay having routine maintenance, the practice is unwise for truck drivers. Mechanical failure for a truck traveling at high speeds endangers the lives of everyone on the roadway.

Driver Fatigue

Everything from the quiet hum of tires on the road to the monotony of the lines stretching out for endless miles ahead has a way of soothing even the most experienced drivers. CDL holders often have long hours and longer traveling distances to deliver their cargo by a specified time. Federal regulations put limitations on the hours a truck driver may log before a mandatory rest. Unfortunately, not all drivers abide by these laws, and therefore put themselves and the public at risk.

Distracted Driving

Driver’s have limited visibility of what goes on within the cab of a semi truck. With the difference in height, it is not easy for sedan drivers to peer into their windows. Moreover, drivers should be more concerned about what is going on up ahead rather than in the truck next to them.

Get Assistance From a Compassionate Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one was involved in a motor vehicle accident and suspect truck driver negligence, then it is important for you contact a lawyer as soon as possible. Both the truck driver and the company he or she is employed by may be responsible.

Have your case reviewed by a Lombard, IL truck accident injury attorney. Contact Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today. We are conveniently accessible to our clients by having 4 offices available. We also offer you a free consultation. Call us today at 630-932-9100 to schedule your appointment.

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