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Common Conflicts that Divorce Mediation Can Help Resolve in Illinois

 Posted on November 29, 2019 in Family Law

Naperville divorce mediation attorneyPredicting the types of conflicts you may experience throughout your divorce process can be difficult, if not impossible. Sometimes, you do not know trouble is brewing until a particular issue is discussed and suddenly spawns an argument that seems unmanageable. Many couples experience nothing but smooth sailing during the first stages of divorce, only to find later that buried tensions have morphed into a series of toxic interactions. Whether you have been fortunate enough to have an amicable separation thus far or are dealing with a contentious divorce, exploring mediation as a tool to help achieve a peaceful dissolution of marriage can be beneficial for both parties.

Conflicts That Can Be Better Resolved With Mediation

Divorce stirs up an array of emotions for everyone involved, often triggering irrational exchanges and heated responses between both parties. If tension starts to build or conversations cannot be conducted civilly, mediation may be the best resolution. Utilizing a trained professional to negotiate the terms of your divorce can help reduce stress, allowing you to reach an agreement that both parties can be satisfied with. Some common points of dispute that can be resolved with the help of a mediator include:

  • Parenting plan disagreements - The purpose of a parenting plan in the state of Illinois is to allocate specific parental responsibilities to each parent, so that both parties have a clear understanding of their role in the child’s life. Although a parenting plan serves to protect the best interests of the child, creating one can be tricky. Disagreements about important issues, such as parenting time (visitation), education, healthcare, and religious beliefs, can be resolved through mediation.

  • Debt division quarrels - Whether you are experiencing spats over the division of assets or joint debts, almost nothing can turn a peaceful divorce into a contentious one faster than the subject of money. If you and your spouse share monetary accounts or investments, any disagreements you have regarding finances may be better addressed with the help of a neutral mediator.

  • Child support concerns - Another common source for divorce conflict is the subject of child support. Both you and your spouse will be required to provide financial support to meet your child's needs. No matter how hard you try to keep your child’s best interests at heart, it is natural to feel monetary stress. Mediators are not only trained to handle these sorts of disputes, but they are also knowledgeable in the legal process of calculating child support obligations. An alternative dispute resolution attorney can explain the process to you and your spouse to help resolve any issues.

Contact a DuPage County Divorce Mediation Lawyer

Have the tensions between you and your spouse begun to escalate during your divorce? Is there a certain issue that has turned out to be a landmine when discussed? Bringing in a neutral third party to mediate your divorce negotiations can offer numerous advantages. To learn more about methods of alternative dispute resolution that can benefit you during your divorce, you should speak with a qualified Naperville family law attorney. Call Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices today at 630-932-9100 and schedule a free consultation.




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