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Common Forms of Negligence in Illinois Motorcycle Accidents

 Posted on April 14, 2021 in Personal Injury

DuPage County motorcycle crash lawyerMotorcycle crashes are not especially common in Illinois, but they are especially fatal. In 2018, for example, less than 1 percent of all Illinois traffic accidents involved a motorcycle, but more than 12 percent of all fatal motor vehicle accidents included at least one motorcyclist. Injured motorcyclists who survive accidents, as well as family members of those who do not, should work with an experienced attorney to demonstrate negligence and recover fair compensation through a personal injury or wrongful death claim.

Motorcycle Crashes Caused by Unsafe Driving

Many Illinois motorcycle accidents are caused by the negligent behavior of a driver, which can take many different forms. Some common examples include:

  • Speeding - Motorcyclists and drivers of passenger vehicles alike are often tempted to exceed the speed limit or travel at speeds that are unsafe for the conditions in which they are driving. Speeding makes it easier for drivers to lose control and more difficult to react in time to prevent a collision.
  • Improperly sharing the road - Motorcycles are subject to the same traffic laws as cars and other motor vehicles, but all too often, drivers of different kinds of vehicles fail to understand and respect each other’s rights. Accidents between motorcycles and other vehicles often occur because of misjudging speeds, failing to yield the right of way, or attempting dangerous passing maneuvers.
  • Driver distraction - Drivers who are preoccupied with cell phones and other distractions often lack the awareness and alertness necessary to notice a smaller motorcycle in the vicinity, and as a result may cause or fail to avoid a crash.
  • Alcohol or drug impairment - When under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, a vehicle operator’s balance, coordination, vision, awareness, and judgment can all be severely impaired. This makes it much more difficult to drive safely and prevent accidents.

Recovering Compensation from a Motorcycle Accident

The most severely injured person in a motorcycle crash is often the motorcyclist, as their vehicle provides very little protection. Traumatic brain and spine injuries, broken bones, and disfiguring lacerations are all common outcomes, both from the force of a collision with another vehicle and the impact with the road surface and other stationary objects. When another driver is negligent, a motorcyclist can recover substantial compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages or earning capacity. When a motorcyclist suffers fatal injuries, family members may also be able to recover damages for funeral expenses and loss of support and companionship.

Motorcycle accidents can also result in injuries to occupants of other vehicles, and in some cases the motorcyclist may be at fault. Anyone who is injured in a crash should work with an attorney to determine whose negligence is responsible and make a case for fair compensation.

Contact a DuPage County Motorcycle Crash Lawyer

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, our attorneys have decades of experience representing injury victims of motorcycle accidents and other vehicle collisions. We will work hard on your behalf to obtain the compensation you need in order to recover. For a free initial consultation with a Lombard personal injury attorney, contact us today at 630-932-9100.

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