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Common Mistakes in Do It Yourself Divorce Cases

 Posted on February 28, 2018 in Family Law

Illinois divorce attorneyThe process of divorce can be expensive. In an attempt to save money, some adults decide to handle their divorce on their own. Although there are several resources that can help you file your own divorce, doing so without the guidance of an experienced divorce lawyer can lead to mistakes that can cost you a great deal of time, money, and headaches down the road. By seeking legal representation for your divorce case, you can avoid the following common mistakes that often occur in do-it-yourself divorce cases.

1. Missed Deadlines

Divorce involves filling out a significant amount of forms and attending a number of hearings. Since it can be confusing to determine what needs to be done when, you may miss deadlines that can dismiss your case or even invalidate it. An attorney can help you understand all of the specific deadlines and requirements associated with your divorce and ensure you know exactly what to do and where to be during the process.

2. Failure to Consider Future Living Expenses

It is easy to focus on the present when thinking about your divorce. In a do-it-yourself divorce, you may fail to consider the cost of supporting yourself and your children after your divorce is final. Disregarding future living expenses can make the next phase of your life financially difficult.

3. The Belief That a Parenting Plan for Child Custody Is Unnecessary

If your relationship with your soon to be ex is amicable, you may believe that you do not need a parenting plan for child custody. The truth is that often times, ex-spouses change their attitudes towards one another in relation to their children once a divorce is finalized. For this reason, the importance of parenting plan should not be overlooked. A parenting plan can also give your children an idea of what type of schedule to expect and make their transition easier.

4. Improperly Dividing Property

Dividing assets properly can be challenging, especially if you are not aware of what is considered marital property and what is separate property. Since not all property disputes can be reviewed, mistakes during property division can lead to costly long-term consequences. Therefore, it is a good idea to walk through the process of property division with an attorney.

Contact Our DuPage County Divorce Attorneys

To prevent these mistakes from prolonging your divorce, hurting your future, and wrecking your finances, you should contact our highly skilled DuPage County divorce attorneys at 630-932-9100. We will make sure you are being treated fairly and your divorce process runs smoothly.

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