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Common Mistakes to Avoid After Being in an Illinois Car Accident

 Posted on June 15, 2020 in Personal Injury

DuPage County auto accident attorney

Car accidents seem like a common occurrence, right? We are always hearing about some sort of collision on the news, but many of us may have never been in a vehicle crash ourselves. When you are in a traumatic event, such as an auto accident, adrenaline begins to flow through your veins, which can temporarily alter your thought process. Your judgment may be off or you may be feeling scared or confused. Although these are all normal feelings, they can pave the way for mistakes to be made that could affect your rights after an Illinois car accident. Here are a few mistakes you should avoid making after an accident:

  • Leaving the scene. In Illinois, you are required to stop and exchange insurance and contact information with all other parties if you are involved in a car accident. If people are injured or hurt, you should also call emergency services for medical attention. Leaving the scene of an accident in Illinois is actually a crime for which you can go to jail. Sticking around at the scene also helps you, however, as it allows you to exchange information and file a police report, both of which can aid you in receiving compensation for the accident.

  • Not documenting the accident. If you are not seriously injured and you do not need immediate medical attention, it would be a good idea for you to take photographs of the scene of the accident. When it comes to your insurance company and other forms of compensation, photographs can be an invaluable form of evidence. You should be sure to take photos of any damage to your vehicle and the other driver’s vehicle, the other driver’s license plate, and the conditions of the road.

  • Admitting that you were at fault. One of the worst things you can do after a car accident is admitting that the accident was your fault. There is always a fault determination when insurance companies process a claim or when a personal injury lawsuit is brought against another person. Even if you are partially at fault, you can still recover compensation in Illinois as long as you are found to be less than 50 percent at fault.

Contact a Naperville Personal Injury Attorney

In many cases, car accidents can have effects on both the vehicles involved and the people inside of them. If you have been hurt in a vehicle collision, it is imperative that you seek professional legal help from a knowledgeable DuPage County car accident lawyer. At the Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we can help you fight for compensation both for any injuries you may have sustained and for any damages that may have occurred to your vehicle. To schedule a free consultation, call our skilled team of lawyers today at 630-932-9100.

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