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What Kind of Compensation Can You Receive for a Dog Bite Injury?

 Posted on November 15, 2016 in Personal Injury

DuPage County dog bite injury lawyers, dog bite injuryNews stories about dog bite injuries are reported nearly daily. One of the most recent involves a young man who was attacked by a pit bull while collecting money for the D.A.R.E. drug program. He will need plastic surgery to repair his lip, and his face may very well be scarred for life. Tragic as his story is, it is unlikely that he was the only victim that day. In fact, statistics indicate that as many as 1,000 U.S. citizens per day are treated in an emergency room for a dog bite injury. Many will face expensive medical bills, therapies, and lost time from work. What kind of compensatory recourse do they have?

Dog Bite Injury Victim’s Right to Compensation

In the state of Illinois, victims may be owed compensation if a dog or other animal bites them, without provocation, and causes injury. Sought from the owner of the animal, this compensation may include damages for a victim’s:

  • Medical expenses (including transport and emergency room care);
  • Future medical treatment (including cosmetic surgery and physical therapy);
  • Any loss of past, present, and/or future wages;
  • Counseling or other psychological treatment;
  • Emotional distress; and
  • Pain and suffering.

Victims must pursue a dog bite claim through the courts to receive such damages, and they must bear the burden of proof. This includes proof that the dog bite led to injury that resulted in loss, and that the dog bit you, unprovoked, in a place where you could lawfully be (i.e. trespassing on private property or intentionally provoking the animal could result in a dismissal of your claim).

Protecting Your Right to Compensation

Dog bite injury defendants have some defenses that they can try to use against victims. They may try to claim that the victim provoked the animal, or that they were in an unlawful location. If this fails, they may attempt to dispute that the dog caused the level of harm that the victim is purporting. As such, victims should know how to effectively protect themselves in a dog bit injury claim. Ideally, this should be done with the assistance of a skilled personal injury lawyer.

At Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices, we empathize with the trauma and losses that dog bite injury victims experience. Dedicated and experienced, we will fight to protect your right to compensation. In every situation, we pursue the most favorable outcome possible. Schedule your free consultation with our DuPage County dog bite injury lawyers today. Call 630-932-9100.





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