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When Is Divorce the Best Option for Dealing With Marital Conflicts?

 Posted on January 22, 2020 in Family Law

Bloomingdale high conflict divorce attorneyDespite the misconception that divorce is often a hastily-made decision, many couples will go to extreme lengths to avoid ending their marriage. They go to therapy, attend marriage counseling, or supplement their efforts with anger management or parenting classes. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, couples must sometimes come to terms with the fact that divorce is their best option. While each situation is unique, there are some common threads between couples who eventually do call it quits.

Painful Conflicts That Often Lead to Divorce

For many couples, efforts to resolve marital problems may ultimately prove futile. In marriages involving the following issues, couples may feel that it would be best for everyone involved to end the marriage and get divorced:

  • Abuse - When one spouse has inflicted physical, emotional, or financial harm on the other, this can be difficult to overcome in a marriage. Trust is broken, and the relationship may never recover. Even if an abusive spouse receives therapy or a couple works with a marriage counselor, it can be easy to fall back into old habits. In these cases, it can be difficult (if not outright impossible) to repair a relationship. Under these circumstances, divorce may be the most appropriate path to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved parties.

  • Lack of effort - Marriages typically do not fail overnight. Instead, they crumble over many months or years due to the accumulation of moments that caused one or both parties to feel alone, abandoned, unwanted, unappreciated, or unloved. Addressing these issues takes work from both parties. If only one person is making an effort to work on a relationship, then it may be time to admit that the marriage cannot be mended.

  • No Love Left to Give - When a marriage is left in disrepair, the love that spouses once felt for one another may dissipate and eventually die. In some cases, a person may begin to look outside of the marriage for love and support. Whatever the situation, when love is gone, it can be hard to find a reason to save the marriage. If you no longer feel that you love your spouse enough to remain married to them, you will likely want to begin exploring your options for divorce.

  • Inability to Get Along - Sometimes, it does not matter how much counseling or therapy you attend, either independently or as a couple. You can try to use methods of conflict resolution to address your ongoing issues, but if the two of you simply cannot see eye to eye, it may be best to go your separate ways. When ongoing hostility, negativity, and a general sense of incompatibility are an issue, divorce can not only allow you to leave a stressful situation, but it can ensure that your children can live in a home that is free from conflict.

Contact a Lombard, IL Family Law Attorney

If you believe that divorce may be the most logical course of action for your marriage, you will want to understand your legal options and protect your rights. Contact our dedicated Naperville divorce lawyers for skilled and seasoned legal guidance. Call Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices at 630-932-9100 to schedule your free consultation today.



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