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Coping With Stress In The Divorce Process

Coping With Stress In The Divorce Process

 Posted on January 23, 2019 in Family Law

Illinois-divorce-lawyers_20190204-082413_1.jpgWhen a marriage ends, it can cause a significant amount of stress on both parties involved. The decision to ask for a divorce, the actual process of the divorce, and adjusting to your new life after the divorce can cause varying levels of stress. Stress can take over a person’s life if steps are not taken to mitigate it.

What Is Divorce Stress?

Most people have an idea of what stress is, but in order to help combat your stress, it is helpful to learn more about it as it relates to your divorce. Divorce stress usually involves two different types of stressors. There are the ones most people think about and know they will have to deal with in some form: who is going to move, losing what you are familiar with, paying bills, your children’s reaction, and starting over.

Then there are the stressors which are caused by what is unknown in your life because of the divorce: what kind of settlement you will have, the division of assets and debts, finding a job after the divorce, dealing with less money, being afraid of family reactions, etc. The combination of all these factors can cause a large amount of stress in somebody who is going through a divorce.

How to Combat Your Divorce Stress

  • Find an outlet: Do something you enjoy doing, whether that be going to art galleries or singing or drawing. Finding something you enjoy doing will take your mind off your stress and let yourself have fun during a stressful time;
  • Learn as much as possible: If you ask your divorce lawyer a lot of questions, it can help you understand the process more. It is much easier to be scared of something you know nothing about, but if you have the knowledge to understand something, you can lessen your stress;
  • Talk about it: Talking about what you are feeling with your friends or family helps you work through your emotions. It can also help you think through a problem you are having and maybe your confidant can help you determine a solution; and
  • Acceptance: Accepting that you are getting divorced and making peace with it will reduce your stress significantly. Dwelling on things is not likely to do you a favor and is likely to increase your stress level.

Contact An Experienced DuPage County Family Law Attorney

The lawyers at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. will make you as comfortable as possible during the divorce process. Our helpful and compassionate Lombard divorce lawyers will do everything possible to reach the resolution you desire for your divorce. We can help you with a free consultation if you contact us at 630-932-9100.


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