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Could I Have a Case of Medical Malpractice if My Baby’s Skull was Fractured During Childbirth?

 Posted on January 07, 2022 in Personal Injury

shutterstock_556631113.jpgSkull fractures are serious injuries for any age, but they are particularly dangerous for infants. It is unclear exactly how common infant skull fractures are because they are not always easy to recognize, but some believe that they may be much more common than the available data suggest.

Infant skull fractures can occur in many ways during childbirth. Although some skull fractures can occur spontaneously during delivery, most of these injuries happen because of excessive force, improper fetal monitoring, or another kind of medical malpractice. If you are worried that your healthcare provider caused your infant to suffer a birth injury because of improper care, an experienced birth injuries attorney may be able to help.

Common Causes of Infant Skull Fractures During Labor and Delivery

Skull fractures are uncommon in uncomplicated labors, but medical personnel should be alert and ready to respond to signs that an infant is at risk of injuries. The most common causes of infant skull fractures include:

  • Assisted delivery - When a child is unable to move through the vaginal canal unassisted, doctors sometimes use tools like forceps and vacuum extraction to help guide a child through the birth canal. When these devices are not used correctly, they can cause skull fractures by placing too much pressure on a child’s head.

  • Improper fetal positioning - Infants are at a heightened risk of skull fractures when they are positioned in certain ways before and during delivery. Doctors must watch out for babies in breech position, occiput posterior position, and shoulder dystocia.

  • Delayed C-section - When a C-section is necessary but the procedure is delayed, the labor can progress inappropriately, potentially putting the infant into a dangerous position requiring a rapid response.

  • Prolonged labor - When labor and delivery take too long, especially if labor stalls while an infant’s head is passing through the birth canal, the prolonged exposure to pressure can cause skull fractures.

Although most skull fractures heal without any long-term complications, they can contribute to serious and even life-long health conditions.

Meet with a DuPage County Birth Injuries Attorney

Learning that your infant has suffered a skull fracture can be a terrifying experience. If you believe your child was hurt because a medical professional did not provide an appropriate level of care, consider scheduling a free consultation with an experienced Lombard, IL birth injuries attorney at Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices. We have seen many cases of birth injuries and have helped many parents pursue the compensation to which they are entitled. Call us today at 630-932-9100.

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